< Psalms 86 >

1 Yahweh, listen [IDM] to what I say and answer me, because I am weak and needy.
Пригни, Господе! Ухо своје и услиши ме, јер сам невољан и ништ.
2 Prevent me from dying now, because I (am loyal to/continue to believe in) you; save/rescue me, because I serve you and I trust in you, my God.
Сачувај душу моју, јер сам Твој поклоник. Спаси слугу свог, Боже мој, који се у Те узда.
3 Lord, be kind to me, because I cry out to you all during the day.
Смилуј се на ме, Господе, јер к Теби вичем сав дан.
4 Lord, cause me to be glad, because I (pray to/worship) [IDM] you.
Овесели душу слуге свог, јер к Теби, Господе, подижем душу своју.
5 Lord, you are good [to us], and you forgive [us]; you faithfully love very much all those who (pray/call out) to you.
Јер си Ти, Господе, добар и милосрдан и веома милостив свима који Те призивају.
6 Lord, listen to my prayer; hear me when I cry out to you to help me.
Чуј, Господе, молитву моју, и слушај глас мољења мог.
7 When I have troubles, I call out to you, because you answer me.
У дан туге своје призивам Те, јер ћеш ме услишити.
8 Lord, among all the gods [whom the heathen nations worship], there is no one like you; not one of them has done [the great things] that you have done.
Нема међу боговима таквог какав си Ти, Господе, и нема дела таквих каква су Твоја.
9 Lord, [some day, people from] all the nations that you have established will come and bow down in front of you and they will praise you [MTY].
Сви народи, које си створио, доћи ће и поклонити се пред Тобом, Господе, и славити име Твоје.
10 You are great, and you do wonderful/marvelous things; only you are God.
Јер си Ти велик и твориш чудеса; Ти си један Бог.
11 Yahweh, teach me what you want me to do in order that I may conduct my life according to what you say, which is true. Cause/Teach me to revere you.
Покажи ми, Господе, пут свој, и ићи ћу у истини Твојој; учини нека се мили срцу мом бојати се имена Твог.
12 Lord, my God, I [will] thank you with all my inner being, and I will praise you forever.
Славићу Те, Господе Боже мој, свим срцем својим, и поштоваћу име Твоје довека.
13 You faithfully love me very much; you have prevented me from [dying and going to] the place where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
Јер је милост Твоја велика нада мном, и извадио си душу моју из пакла најдубљег. (Sheol h7585)
14 But God, proud men are [trying to] attack me; a gang/group of cruel men are wanting to kill me; they are men who do not have any (respect for/interest in) you.
Боже, охолице усташе на мене, и гомила насилника тражи душу моју, и немају Тебе пред собом.
15 But Lord, you always are mercifully and kind; you do not become angry quickly, you faithfully love us very much and always do for us what you have promised to do.
Али Ти, Господе, Боже милостиви и благи, стрпљиви и богати добротом и истином,
16 Look down toward me and be merciful to me; cause me to be strong and save/rescue me who serves you [faithfully] like my mother did.
Погледај на ме и смилуј ми се, дај силу своју слузи свом, и помози сину слушкиње своје;
17 Yahweh, do something to show me that you are being good to me in order that those who hate me will see that you have encouraged me and helped me, and as a result they will be ashamed.
Учини са мном чудо доброте. Нека виде који ме ненавиде, и постиде се, што си ми, Господе, помогао и утешио ме.

< Psalms 86 >