< Psalms 85 >

1 Yahweh, you have been kind to [us people who live in] this land; you have enabled [us] Israeli people to become prosperous again.
Koraha bērnu dziesma, dziedātāju vadonim. Tu, ak Kungs, Savai zemei lēnīgs bijis un Jēkaba cietumu novērsis,
2 You forgave [us], your people, for the sins that we had committed; you pardoned [us] for all our sins [DOU].
Tu Savu ļaužu noziegumu esi piedevis, visus viņu grēkus apklājis; (Sela)
3 You stopped being angry [with us] and turned away from severely punishing [us].
Tu visu Savu dusmību atņēmis, no Savas karstās bardzības atstājies:
4 Now, God, the one who saves/rescues us, (restore us/make us prosperous again) and stop being angry with us!
Atved mūs atpakaļ, ak Dievs, mūsu Pestītājs, un lai Tava dusmība pret mums mitās.
5 (Will you continue to be angry with us forever?/Please do not continue to be angry with us forever.) [DOU, RHQ]
Vai tad Tu mūžīgi pret mums gribi dusmoties un Tavu bardzību turēt uz bērnu bērniem?
6 Please enable us [RHQ] to prosper again in order that [we], your people, will rejoice about what you [have done for us].
Vai tad Tu negribi mūs atkal atspirdzināt, ka Tavi ļaudis iekš Tevis var priecāties?
7 Yahweh, by rescuing us [from our troubles/difficulties], show us that you faithfully love us.
Parādi mums, Kungs, Tavu žēlastību un dod mums Tavu pestīšanu.
8 I want to listen to what Yahweh [our] God says, because he promises/says that he will enable [us], his people, to live peacefully, if we do not return to doing foolish things.
Es klausīšu, ko Tas Kungs, tas stiprais Dievs, runā, jo Viņš sola mieru Saviem ļaudīm un Saviem svētiem, lai tie negriežās uz ģeķību.
9 He is surely ready to save/rescue those who revere him, in order that [his] glory/splendor will be seen in our land.
Tiešām, Viņa palīdzība ir tuvu klāt tiem, kas Viņu bīstas, ka mūsu zemē gods mājo,
10 [When that happens], he will both faithfully love us and faithfully [do for us what he promised to do] [PRS]; and we will act/behave righteously, and he will give us peace, which will be like a kiss that he gives us.
Ka žēlastība un uzticība sastopas, ka taisnība un miers skūpstās,
11 Here on earth, we will (be loyal to/continually believe in) God, and from heaven, God will act justly/fairly [toward us].
Ka patiesība no zemes izaug un taisnība no debesīm skatās.
12 Yes, Yahweh will do good things [for us], and there will be great harvests in our land.
Un Tas Kungs dos labumu un mūsu zeme dos savus augļus.
13 [Yahweh always acts] righteously [PRS, MET]; he acts righteously wherever he goes.
Taisnība staigās Viņa priekšā un ņemsies Viņa pēdas par ceļu.

< Psalms 85 >