< Psalms 85 >

1 Yahweh, you have been kind to [us people who live in] this land; you have enabled [us] Israeli people to become prosperous again.
In finem, filiis Core, Psalmus. Benedixisti Domine terram tuam: avertisti captivitatem Iacob.
2 You forgave [us], your people, for the sins that we had committed; you pardoned [us] for all our sins [DOU].
Remisisti iniquitatem plebis tuæ: operuisti omnia peccata eorum.
3 You stopped being angry [with us] and turned away from severely punishing [us].
Mitigasti omnem iram tuam: avertisti ab ira indignationis tuæ.
4 Now, God, the one who saves/rescues us, (restore us/make us prosperous again) and stop being angry with us!
Converte nos Deus salutaris noster: et averte iram tuam a nobis.
5 (Will you continue to be angry with us forever?/Please do not continue to be angry with us forever.) [DOU, RHQ]
Numquid in æternum irasceris nobis? aut extendes iram tuam a generatione in generationem?
6 Please enable us [RHQ] to prosper again in order that [we], your people, will rejoice about what you [have done for us].
Deus tu conversus vivificabis nos: et plebs tua lætabitur in te.
7 Yahweh, by rescuing us [from our troubles/difficulties], show us that you faithfully love us.
Ostende nobis Domine misericordiam tuam: et salutare tuum da nobis.
8 I want to listen to what Yahweh [our] God says, because he promises/says that he will enable [us], his people, to live peacefully, if we do not return to doing foolish things.
Audiam quid loquatur in me Dominus Deus: quoniam loquetur pacem in plebem suam. Et super sanctos suos: et in eos, qui convertuntur ad cor.
9 He is surely ready to save/rescue those who revere him, in order that [his] glory/splendor will be seen in our land.
Verumtamen prope timentes eum salutare ipsius: ut inhabitet gloria in terra nostra.
10 [When that happens], he will both faithfully love us and faithfully [do for us what he promised to do] [PRS]; and we will act/behave righteously, and he will give us peace, which will be like a kiss that he gives us.
Misericordia, et veritas obviaverunt sibi: iustitia, et pax osculatæ sunt.
11 Here on earth, we will (be loyal to/continually believe in) God, and from heaven, God will act justly/fairly [toward us].
Veritas de terra orta est: et iustitia de cælo prospexit.
12 Yes, Yahweh will do good things [for us], and there will be great harvests in our land.
Etenim Dominus dabit benignitatem: et terra nostra dabit fructum suum.
13 [Yahweh always acts] righteously [PRS, MET]; he acts righteously wherever he goes.
Iustitia ante eum ambulabit: et ponet in via gressus suos.

< Psalms 85 >