< Psalms 84 >

1 Lord, you who are the Commander of the armies of angels, your temple is very beautiful!
Para el músico principal. En un instrumento de Gat. Un salmo de los hijos de Coré. Qué bonitas son tus moradas, ¡Yahvé de los Ejércitos!
2 I [SYN] would like to be there; Yahweh, I desire that very much [DOU]. With all of my inner being I sing joyfully to you, the all-powerful God.
Mi alma anhela, y hasta se desmaya por los atrios de Yahvé. Mi corazón y mi carne claman por el Dios vivo.
3 Even sparrows and swallows have built nests [near your temple, where you protect them] [DOU]; they take care of their young babies near the altars [where people offer sacrifices to] you, who are the commander of the armies of heaven, and my king and my God.
Sí, el gorrión ha encontrado un hogar, y la golondrina un nido para ella, donde pueda tener sus crías, cerca de tus altares, Yahvé de los Ejércitos, mi Rey y mi Dios.
4 (Happy are/You are pleased with) those who (live/continually worship) in your temple, constantly singing to praise you.
Dichosos los que habitan en tu casa. Siempre te están alabando. (Selah)
5 Happy are those who [know that] you are the one who causes them to be strong, those who strongly desire to (make the trip/go) to Zion [Hill].
Dichosos los que tienen su fuerza en ti, que han puesto su corazón en una peregrinación.
6 While they travel through the [dry] Baca Valley, [you cause] it to become a place where there are springs of water, where the rains (in the autumn/before the cold season) fill the valley with pools of water.
Al pasar por el valle del Llanto, lo convierten en un lugar de manantiales. Sí, la lluvia de otoño la cubre de bendiciones.
7 [As a result, those who travel through there] become stronger/refreshed [knowing that] they will appear in your presence (on Zion [Hill]/in Jerusalem).
Van viento en popa. Cada uno de ellos se presenta ante Dios en Sión.
8 Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, listen to my prayer; God, who [is worshiped by us (descendants of] Jacob/Israeli people), hear [IDM] what I am saying!
Yahvé, Dios de los Ejércitos, escucha mi oración. Escucha, Dios de Jacob. (Selah)
9 God, be kind to [IDM] our king, the one who protects us [MTY], the one whom you have chosen [MTY] [to rule us].
He aquí, Dios nuestro escudo, mira el rostro de tu ungido.
10 [For me], spending one day in your temple is better than spending 1,000 days somewhere else; [standing] at the entrance to your temple, [ready to go inside], is better than living in the tents/homes where wicked [people live].
Porque un día en tus tribunales es mejor que mil. Prefiero ser un portero en la casa de mi Dios, que habitar en las tiendas de la maldad.
11 Yahweh our God is [like] the sun [that shines on us] and [like] a shield [that protects us] [MET]; he is kind to [us] and honors [us]. Yahweh does not refuse to give any good thing/blessing to those who do what is right.
Porque Yahvé Dios es un sol y un escudo. Yahvé dará la gracia y la gloria. Él no retiene ningún bien a los que caminan sin culpa.
12 Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, (happy are/you are pleased with) those who trust in you!
Yahvé de los Ejércitos, Bendito es el hombre que confía en ti.

< Psalms 84 >