< Psalms 84 >

1 Lord, you who are the Commander of the armies of angels, your temple is very beautiful!
Koraha bērnu dziesma uz Ģittit, dziedātāju vadonim. Cik mīlīgas ir Tavas mājvietas, ak Kungs Cebaot!
2 I [SYN] would like to be there; Yahweh, I desire that very much [DOU]. With all of my inner being I sing joyfully to you, the all-powerful God.
Mana dvēsele iekārojās un ilgojās ļoti pēc Tā Kunga pagalmiem, mana sirds un mana miesa priecājās iekš tā dzīvā Dieva.
3 Even sparrows and swallows have built nests [near your temple, where you protect them] [DOU]; they take care of their young babies near the altars [where people offer sacrifices to] you, who are the commander of the armies of heaven, and my king and my God.
Putniņš ir atradis namu un bezdelīga savu ligzdu, kur tā savus bērnus izperē, - pie Taviem altāriem, Kungs Cebaot, mans ķēniņš un mans Dievs.
4 (Happy are/You are pleased with) those who (live/continually worship) in your temple, constantly singing to praise you.
Svētīgi ir, kas Tavā namā dzīvo, tie Tevi slavē vienmēr. (Sela)
5 Happy are those who [know that] you are the one who causes them to be strong, those who strongly desire to (make the trip/go) to Zion [Hill].
Svētīgi tie cilvēki, kas savu stiprumu meklē pie Tevis, kam sirdīs stāv Tavi ceļi,
6 While they travel through the [dry] Baca Valley, [you cause] it to become a place where there are springs of water, where the rains (in the autumn/before the cold season) fill the valley with pools of water.
Kas caur raudu ieleju staigājot to dara par avoksnainu zemi; un lietus to pušķo ar svētību.
7 [As a result, those who travel through there] become stronger/refreshed [knowing that] they will appear in your presence (on Zion [Hill]/in Jerusalem).
Tie iet no spēka uz spēku, tie parādās Dieva priekšā iekš Ciānas.
8 Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, listen to my prayer; God, who [is worshiped by us (descendants of] Jacob/Israeli people), hear [IDM] what I am saying!
Kungs, Dievs Cebaot, klausi manu lūgšanu, atgriez ausis, ak Jēkaba Dievs. (Sela)
9 God, be kind to [IDM] our king, the one who protects us [MTY], the one whom you have chosen [MTY] [to rule us].
Dievs, mūsu priekšturamās bruņas, skaties un uzlūko Sava svaidītā vaigu.
10 [For me], spending one day in your temple is better than spending 1,000 days somewhere else; [standing] at the entrance to your temple, [ready to go inside], is better than living in the tents/homes where wicked [people live].
Jo viena diena Tavos pagalmos ir labāka nekā tūkstošas citas; man gribās labāki pie Dieva nama sliekšņa stāvēt, nekā mājot bezdievības dzīvokļos.
11 Yahweh our God is [like] the sun [that shines on us] and [like] a shield [that protects us] [MET]; he is kind to [us] and honors [us]. Yahweh does not refuse to give any good thing/blessing to those who do what is right.
Jo Dievs Tas Kungs ir saule un priekšturamās bruņas; Tas Kungs dod žēlastību un godu, Viņš neatrauj labumu tiem, kas nenoziedzībā staigā.
12 Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, (happy are/you are pleased with) those who trust in you!
Kungs Cebaot, svētīgs ir tas cilvēks, kas uz Tevi paļaujas.

< Psalms 84 >