< Psalms 83 >

1 God, do not continue to be silent! Do not be quiet and say nothing,
Oh Dios, no te calles: abre tus labios y no descanses, oh Dios.
2 because your enemies are rioting against you; those who hate you are rebelling against you!
Mira! aquellos que te hacen la guerra están fuera de control; tus enemigos están levantando sus cabezas.
3 They are secretly planning to do things to harm [us], your people; they are (conspiring together against/planning how to defeat) the people whom you protect.
Han hecho sabios designios contra tu pueblo, hablando juntos contra aquellos a quienes guardas en un lugar secreto.
4 They say, “Come, we must destroy their nation, with the result that no one will remember that Israel ever existed!”
Han dicho: Vengan, pongamos fin a ellos como nación; para que el nombre de Israel salga de la memoria del hombre.
5 They have agreed on [what they want to do to destroy Israel], and they have formed an alliance against you.
Porque todos han llegado a un acuerdo; todos están unidos contra ti:
6 [The people who have done that are] the people of Edom [region], the descendants of Ishmael [who live on the east side of the Jordan River], the Moab [people-group], the descendants of Hagar [who also live on the east side of the Jordan River],
Las tiendas de Edom y los ismaelitas; Moab y los agarenos;
7 Gebal [people-group], the Ammon [people-group], the Amalek [people-group], the Philistia [people-group], and the people of Tyre [city].
Gebal, Amón y Amalec; los filisteos y la gente de Tiro;
8 [The people of] have joined them; they are strong allies of the [Moab and Ammon people-groups, who are] descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot.
Assur se une a ellos; se han convertido en el apoyo de los hijos de Lot. (Selah)
9 [God], do to those people things like you did to the Midian [people-group], like [you did] to Sisera and Jabin at Kishon River.
Hazles lo que hiciste con los madianitas; lo que le hiciste a Sisera y Jabin, en la corriente de Cison:
10 You destroyed them at Endor [town], and their corpses [lay on] the ground and decayed.
Que vino a la destrucción en Endor; sus cuerpos se convirtieron en estiércol para la tierra.
11 Do to them things like you did to [Kings] Oreb and Zeeb; defeat their leaders like you defeated Zebah and Zalmunna,
Hagan sus jefes como Oreb y Zeeb; y todos sus gobernantes como Zeba y Zalmuna:
12 who said, “We will take for ourselves the land that [the Israelis say] belongs to God!”
que han dicho: tomemos para nuestra herencia el lugar de reposo de Dios.
13 My God, cause them [to disappear quickly] like whirling dust, like chaff that the wind blows away!
Dios mío, hazlos como el polvo que rueda; como tallos secos antes del viento.
14 Like a fire completely burns a forest and like flames burn in the mountains,
Como el fuego que quema un bosque, y como una llama que causa fuego en las montañas,
15 expel them by sending storms; cause them to be terrified by your big storms/hurricanes!
Ve tras ellos con tu fuerte viento, y que estén llenos de temor a causa de tu tormenta.
16 Cause them [SYN] to be very ashamed in order that they will admit that you are very powerful.
Que sus caras estén llenas de vergüenza; para que puedan honrar tu nombre, oh Señor.
17 Cause them to be forever disgraced [because of being defeated], and cause them to die while they are still disgraced.
Sean vencidos y atribulados para siempre; sean avergonzados y vengan a la destrucción;
18 Cause them to know that you, whose name is Yahweh, are the supreme ruler over everything on the earth.
Para que los hombres vean que tú solo, cuyo nombre es Yahweh, eres el Altísimo sobre toda la tierra.

< Psalms 83 >