< Psalms 83 >

1 God, do not continue to be silent! Do not be quiet and say nothing,
Waƙa ce. Zabura ta Asaf. Ya Allah, kada ka yi shiru; kada ka tsaya cik, ya Allah, kada ka daina motsi.
2 because your enemies are rioting against you; those who hate you are rebelling against you!
Dubi yadda abokan gābanka suke fariya, dubi yadda maƙiyanka suke ɗaga kansu.
3 They are secretly planning to do things to harm [us], your people; they are (conspiring together against/planning how to defeat) the people whom you protect.
Da wayo suna ƙulle-ƙulle a kan mutanenka; suna shirya maƙarƙashiya a kan waɗanda kake so.
4 They say, “Come, we must destroy their nation, with the result that no one will remember that Israel ever existed!”
Suna cewa, “Ku zo, bari mu hallaka su ɗungum a matsayin al’umma, don kada a ƙara tuna da sunan Isra’ila.”
5 They have agreed on [what they want to do to destroy Israel], and they have formed an alliance against you.
Da zuciya ɗaya suka yi ƙulle-ƙulle tare; suka haɗa kai gāba da kai,
6 [The people who have done that are] the people of Edom [region], the descendants of Ishmael [who live on the east side of the Jordan River], the Moab [people-group], the descendants of Hagar [who also live on the east side of the Jordan River],
tentunan Edom da na mutanen Ishmayel, na Mowab da kuma na Hagirawa,
7 Gebal [people-group], the Ammon [people-group], the Amalek [people-group], the Philistia [people-group], and the people of Tyre [city].
Gebal, Ammon da Amalek, Filistiya, tare da mutanen Taya.
8 [The people of] have joined them; they are strong allies of the [Moab and Ammon people-groups, who are] descendants of [Abraham’s nephew] Lot.
Har Assuriya ma ta haɗa kai da su don ta ba da ƙarfi ga zuriyar Lot. (Sela)
9 [God], do to those people things like you did to the Midian [people-group], like [you did] to Sisera and Jabin at Kishon River.
Ka yi musu abin da ka yi wa Midiyan, yadda ka yi wa Sisera da Yabin a kogin Kishon,
10 You destroyed them at Endor [town], and their corpses [lay on] the ground and decayed.
waɗanda suka hallaka a En Dor suka zama kamar juji a ƙasa.
11 Do to them things like you did to [Kings] Oreb and Zeeb; defeat their leaders like you defeated Zebah and Zalmunna,
Ka mai da manyansu kamar Oreb da Zeyib, dukan sarakunansu kamar Zeba da Zalmunna,
12 who said, “We will take for ourselves the land that [the Israelis say] belongs to God!”
waɗanda suka ce, “Bari mu mallaki wuraren kiwon Allah.”
13 My God, cause them [to disappear quickly] like whirling dust, like chaff that the wind blows away!
Ka mai da su kamar ɗan tsiron da kan karye, iska ta yi ta turawa, ya Allahna, kamar yayin da iska take hurawa,
14 Like a fire completely burns a forest and like flames burn in the mountains,
kamar yadda wuta ke cin kurmi ko harshen wutar da take ci a kan duwatsu,
15 expel them by sending storms; cause them to be terrified by your big storms/hurricanes!
haka za ka kore su da iska mai ƙarfi ka kuma firgita su da guguwarka.
16 Cause them [SYN] to be very ashamed in order that they will admit that you are very powerful.
Ka rushe fuskokinsu da kunya don mutane su nemi sunanka, ya Ubangiji.
17 Cause them to be forever disgraced [because of being defeated], and cause them to die while they are still disgraced.
Bari su kasance cikin kunya da taƙaici; bari su hallaka cikin wulaƙanci.
18 Cause them to know that you, whose name is Yahweh, are the supreme ruler over everything on the earth.
Bari su san cewa kai, wanda sunansa ne Ubangiji, cewa kai kaɗai ne Mafi Ɗaukaka a bisa dukan duniya.

< Psalms 83 >