< Psalms 82 >

1 God gathers all the [rulers and judges who think they are] gods for a meeting in heaven; and he tells them that he has decided this:
Бог ста в сонме богов, посреде же боги разсудит.
2 “You must [RHQ] stop judging [people] unfairly; you must no longer make decisions that favor wicked [people]!
Доколе судите неправду, и лица грешников приемлете?
3 You must defend [people who are] poor and orphans; you must act fairly toward those who are needy and those who have no one to help them.
Судите сиру и убогу, смирена и нища оправдайте:
4 Rescue them from the power [MTY] of evil [people] [DOU]!”
измите нища и убога, из руки грешничи избавите его.
5 [Those rulers] do not know or understand anything! They are very corrupt/evil, and [as a result of their corrupt/evil behavior], [it is as though] the foundation of the world is being shaken!
Не познаша, ниже уразумеша, во тме ходят: да подвижатся вся основания земли.
6 I [the all-powerful God, previously] said to them, “You think you are gods! [It is as though] you are all my sons,
Аз рех: бози есте, и сынове Вышняго вси:
7 but you will die like people do; your lives will end, like the lives of all rulers end.”
вы же яко человецы умираете, и яко един от князей падаете.
8 God, arise and judge [everyone on] [MTY] the earth, because all the people-groups belong to you!
Воскресени, Боже, суди земли: яко Ты наследиши во всех языцех.

< Psalms 82 >