< Psalms 81 >
1 Sing [songs] to praise God, who enables us to be strong [when we fight our enemies]; shout joyfully to God, whom we (descendants of Jacob/Israeli people) [worship]!
Az éneklőmesternek, a gittithre. Aszáfé. Örvendezzetek Istennek, a mi erősségünknek; ujjongjatok a Jákób Istenének!
2 Start [playing] the music, and beat the tambourines, and play nice music on the harps and (lyres/other stringed instruments).
Dalt zengjetek és dobot pergessetek, gyönyörű hárfát cziterával együtt.
3 Blow the trumpets [during the festival to celebrate] each new moon and each time the moon is full and during our [other] festivals.
Fújjatok kürtöt új holdra, holdtöltekor, a mi ünnepünk napján;
4 [Do that] because that is a law for [us] Israeli [people]; God commanded it for us descendants of Jacob.
Mert végzett dolog ez Izráelnél, a Jákób Istenének rendelése.
5 He commanded us Israeli [people to obey it] when he punished [the people of] Egypt. I heard someone [MTY] whose voice I did not recognize, saying,
Bizonyságul tette ő a József nemzetségében, a mikor kijött Égyiptom földe ellen. Nyelvet hallék ott, a mit nem tudtam.
6 “[After the rulers of Egypt forced you Israelis to work as slaves], I took those [heavy] burdens off your backs, and I enabled you to lay down those [heavy] baskets [of bricks that you were carrying].
Megszabadítottam a tehertől az ő vállát, kezei megmenekültek a kosártól.
7 When you were [greatly] distressed, you called [out to me], and I rescued you; I answered you out of a thundercloud. [Later] I tested [whether you would trust me to give you] water [when you were in the desert] at Meribah.
A nyomorúságban segítségül hívtál és én megszabadítottalak téged; meghallgattalak téged a mennydörgésnek rejtekében; megpróbáltalak téged a versengések vizénél. (Szela)
8 [You who are] my people, listen while I warn you! I wish that you Israeli [people] would pay attention to what I [say to you]!
Hallgass én népem, hadd tegyek bizonyságot ellened! Oh Izráel, ha te meghallgatnál engem!
9 You must not have any idols of other gods among you; you must never bow to worship any of them!
Ne legyen te nálad idegen isten, és az idegen isten előtt meg ne hajolj!
10 I am Yahweh, your God; It was [not any of those other gods] who brought you out of Egypt, I am the one who did it! [So] ask me what you want me to do for you [MTY], and I will do it.
Én, az Úr vagyok a te Istened, a ki kihoztalak téged Égyiptom földéről: nyisd szét a te szájad és betöltöm azt.
11 But my people would not listen to me [SYN]; they would not obey me.
De nem hallgatott népem az én szómra, és Izráel nem engedelmeskedett nékem.
12 So even though they were very stubborn, I allowed them to do whatever they wanted to do.
Ott hagytam azért őt szívöknek keménységében, hogy járjanak a magok tanácsa szerint.
13 I wish that my people would listen to me, that the Israeli [people] would behave as I want them to do.
Oh, ha az én népem hallgatna reám, s Izráel az én utaimon járna!
14 [If they did that], I would quickly defeat their enemies; I would strike/punish [all of] them [DOU].
Legott megaláznám ellenségeit, s szorongatói ellen fordítanám kezem.
15 [Then all] those who hate me would (cringe before/bow down to) me, and [then I] would punish them [MTY] forever.
Az Úrnak gyűlölői hízelegnének néki, és örökkévaló volna az ő idejök.
16 [But] I would give you [Israelis] very good wheat/grain, and I would fill your stomachs with wild honey.”
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