< Psalms 79 >
1 God, other people-groups have invaded your land. They have (desecrated your temple/caused your temple to be unfit for worship), and they have destroyed all the buildings in Jerusalem.
O! Dios, vinieron las gentes a tu heredad: contaminaron el templo de tu santidad; pusieron a Jerusalem en montones:
2 [Instead of burying] the corpses of your people [whom they killed], they allowed vultures and wild animals to eat the flesh of those corpses,
Dieron los cuerpos de tus siervos por comida a las aves de los cielos: la carne de tus piadosos a las bestias de la tierra.
3 When they killed your people, your people’s blood flowed like water through [the streets of] Jerusalem, and there was [almost] no one [HYP] left to bury their corpses.
Derramaron su sangre, como agua, en los al rededores de Jerusalem: y no hubo quien los enterrase.
4 The people-groups that live in countries that surround our land insult us; they laugh at us and deride/belittle us.
Somos afrentados de nuestros vecinos: escarnecidos y burlados de los que están en nuestros al rededores.
5 Yahweh, how long [will this continue]? Will you be angry with us forever? Will your being angry [destroy us like] a burning fire [destroys things]?
¿Hasta cuándo, o! Jehová? ¿Airarte has para siempre? ¿Arderá, como fuego, tu zelo?
6 [Instead of being angry with us], be angry with the people-groups that do not know/worship you! Be angry with kingdoms whose people do not pray to you,
Derrama tu ira sobre las naciones que no te conocen: y sobre los reinos que no invocan tu nombre.
7 because they have killed Israeli people and they have ruined your country.
Porque han consumido a Jacob: y su morada han asolado.
8 Do not punish us because of the sins that our ancestors committed! Be merciful to us now/quickly, because we are very discouraged.
No nos traigas en memoria las iniquidades antiguas: anticípennos presto tus misericordias, porque estamos muy consumidos.
9 God, you have saved/rescued [us many times], [so] help us [now]; rescue us and forgive us for having sinned in order that other people will honor you [MTY].
Ayúdanos, o! Dios, salud nuestra, por la honra de tu nombre: y líbranos, y aplácate sobre nuestros pecados por causa de tu nombre.
10 It is not right that [RHQ] other people-groups say [about us], “If their God [is very powerful], (surely he should help them/why does he not [help them])?” Allow us to see you punishing the people of other nations in return for their shedding our blood; they have killed many of us, your people.
Porque dirán las gentes: ¿Dónde está su Dios? Sea notoria en las naciones delante de nuestros ojos la venganza de la sangre de tus siervos que se ha derramado.
11 Listen to your people groaning while they are in prison, and by your great power free those whom our enemies say that they will certainly execute.
Entre delante de ti el gemido de los presos: conforme a la grandeza de tu brazo preserva a los sentenciados a muerte.
12 In return for their having [often] insulted you, punish them seven times as much!
Y torna a nuestros vecinos en su seno siete tantos de su deshonra con que te han deshonrado, o! Jehová.
13 After you do that, we, whom you [take care of like a shepherd takes care of] his sheep, will continue praising you; we will continue to praise you forever [HYP].
Y nosotros, pueblo tuyo, y ovejas de tu pasto, te alabaremos para siempre: por generación y generación contaremos tus alabanzas.