< Psalms 77 >
1 I cry out to God; I cry aloud to him, and he hears me.
In finem, pro Idithun, Psalmus Asaph. Voce mea ad Dominum clamavi: voce mea ad Deum, et intendit mihi.
2 Whenever have trouble, I pray to the Lord; all during the night I lift up my hands while I pray, [but] nothing causes me to be comforted.
In die tribulationis meæ Deum exquisivi, manibus meis nocte contra eum: et non sum deceptus. Renuit consolari anima mea,
3 When I think about God, I (despair/think that he will never help me); when I meditate about him, I am discouraged.
memor fui Dei, et delectatus sum, et exercitatus sum: et defecit spiritus meus.
4 [All during the night] he prevents me from sleeping; I am very worried, with the result that I do not know what to say.
Anticipaverunt vigilias oculi mei: turbatus sum, et non sum locutus.
5 I think about days that have passed; I remember [what happened in] previous years.
Cogitavi dies antiquos: et annos æternos in mente habui.
6 I spend the whole night thinking [about things]; I meditate, and this is what I ask myself:
Et meditatus sum nocte cum corde meo, et exercitabar, et scopebam spiritum meum.
7 “Will the Lord always reject us? Will he never again be pleased with us?
Numquid in æternum proiiciet Deus: aut non apponet ut complacitior sit adhuc?
8 Has he stopped faithfully loving us? Will he not do for us what he promised to do?
Aut in finem misericordiam suam abscindet, a generatione in generationem?
9 God promised to be merciful to us; has he forgotten that? Because he is angry [with us], has he decided to not be kind to us?”
Aut obliviscetur misereri Deus? aut continebit in ira sua misericordias suas?
10 Then I said, “What causes me to be [very] sad is that [it seems that] God, who is greater than any other god, is no longer powerful.”
Et dixi nunc cœpi: hæc mutatio dexteræ Excelsi.
11 [But then], Yahweh, I recall/remember your great deeds; I remember the wonderful things that you did in the past.
Memor fui operum Domini: quia memor ero ab initio mirabilium tuorum,
12 I meditate on all that you have done, and I think about your mighty acts.
et meditabor in omnibus operibus tuis: et in adinventionibus tuis exercebor.
13 God, everything that you do is holy; there is certainly no god [RHQ] who is great like you are!
Deus in sancto via tua: quis Deus magnus sicut Deus noster?
14 You are God, the one who performs miracles; you showed to people of many people-groups that you are powerful.
Tu es Deus qui facis mirabilia. Notam fecisti in populis virtutem tuam:
15 By your power [MTY] you rescued your people [from Egypt]; you saved those who were descendants of Jacob and [his son] Joseph.
redemisti in brachio tuo populum tuum, filios Iacob, et Ioseph.
16 [It was as though] the waters [of the Red Sea] saw you and became very afraid, and even the deepest part of the water shook.
Viderunt te aquæ Deus, viderunt te aquæ: et timuerunt, et turbatæ sunt abyssi.
17 Rain poured down from the clouds [PRS]; it thundered [very loudly] [PRS], and lightning flashed in all directions.
Multitudo sonitus aquarum: vocem dederunt nubes. Etenim sagittæ tuæ transeunt:
18 Thunder crashed in the whirlwind, and lightning (lit up/flashed across) the entire sky [HYP]; the earth shook violently [DOU].
vox tonitrui tui in rota. Illuxerunt coruscationes tuæ orbi terræ: commota est et contremuit terra.
19 [Then] you walked through the sea on a path that you made through the deep water, but your footprints could not be seen.
In mari via tua, et semitæ tuæ in aquis multis: et vestigia tua non cognoscentur.
20 You led your people like [a shepherd leads his] flock [of sheep], while Moses and Aaron were the leaders [of your people].
Deduxisti sicut oves populum tuum, in manu Moysi et Aaron.