< Psalms 74 >

1 God, why have you abandoned/rejected us? Will you keep rejecting us forever [RHQ]? Why are you angry with us, since we are like sheep in your pasture [and you are like our shepherd]? [MET, RHQ]
משכיל לאסף למה אלהים זנחת לנצח יעשן אפך בצאן מרעיתך׃
2 Do not forget your people whom you chose long ago, the people whom you freed [from being slaves in Egypt] and caused to become your tribe. Do not forget Jerusalem, which was (your home/where you dwelt) [on this earth].
זכר עדתך קנית קדם גאלת שבט נחלתך הר ציון זה שכנת בו׃
3 Walk along [and see] where everything has been totally ruined; our enemies have destroyed everything in the sacred temple.
הרימה פעמיך למשאות נצח כל הרע אויב בקדש׃
4 Your enemies shouted triumphantly in this sacred place; they erected their banners [to show they had defeated us].
שאגו צרריך בקרב מועדך שמו אותתם אתות׃
5 They cut down all the [engraved objects in the temple] like woodsmen cut down trees.
יודע כמביא למעלה בסבך עץ קרדמות׃
6 Then they smashed all the carved wood with their axes and hammers.
ועת פתוחיה יחד בכשיל וכילפת יהלמון׃
7 [Then] they burned your temple to the ground; they caused that place where you were worshiped to be unfit for people to worship in.
שלחו באש מקדשך לארץ חללו משכן שמך׃
8 They said to themselves, “We will destroy the Israelis completely,” and they [also] burned down all the other places where we gathered to worship God.
אמרו בלבם נינם יחד שרפו כל מועדי אל בארץ׃
9 All our sacred symbols (OR, miracles) are gone; there are no prophets now/any more, and no one knows how long [this situation will continue].
אותתינו לא ראינו אין עוד נביא ולא אתנו ידע עד מה׃
10 God, how long will our enemies make fun of you [RHQ]? Will they insult you [MTY] forever [RHQ]?
עד מתי אלהים יחרף צר ינאץ אויב שמך לנצח׃
11 Why do you refuse to help [MTY, RHQ] us? Why do you keep your hand inside your cloak [instead of using it to destroy our enemies] [RHQ]?
למה תשיב ידך וימינך מקרב חוקך כלה׃
12 God, you have been our king [all the time] since we came out of Egypt [HYP], and you have enabled us to defeat [our enemies] in the land [of Israel].
ואלהים מלכי מקדם פעל ישועות בקרב הארץ׃
13 By your power you caused the [Red] Sea to divide; [it was as though] you smashed the heads of the [rulers of Egypt who were like] huge sea dragons [MET].
אתה פוררת בעזך ים שברת ראשי תנינים על המים׃
14 [It was as though] you crushed the head of the king of Egypt [MET] and gave his body to the animals in the desert to eat.
אתה רצצת ראשי לויתן תתננו מאכל לעם לציים׃
15 You caused springs and streams to flow, and you [also] dried up rivers that had never dried up previously.
אתה בקעת מעין ונחל אתה הובשת נהרות איתן׃
16 You created the days and the nights, and you put the sun and the moon in their places.
לך יום אף לך לילה אתה הכינות מאור ושמש׃
17 You determined where the oceans end and the land begins, and you created the summer/hot season and the winter/cold season.
אתה הצבת כל גבולות ארץ קיץ וחרף אתה יצרתם׃
18 Yahweh, do not forget that your enemies laugh at you, and that it is foolish people who despise you [MTY].
זכר זאת אויב חרף יהוה ועם נבל נאצו שמך׃
19 Do not let your helpless people [MET] fall into the hands of their cruel enemies; do not forget your suffering/persecuted people.
אל תתן לחית נפש תורך חית ענייך אל תשכח לנצח׃
20 Do not forget the agreement that you made with us; remember that there are violent people in every dark place on the earth.
הבט לברית כי מלאו מחשכי ארץ נאות חמס׃
21 Do not allow your oppressed people to be disgraced; help those poor and needy people in order that they will [again] praise you [MTY].
אל ישב דך נכלם עני ואביון יהללו שמך׃
22 God, arise and defend yourself [by defending your people]! Do not forget that foolish people laugh at you (all day long/continually)!
קומה אלהים ריבה ריבך זכר חרפתך מני נבל כל היום׃
23 Do not forget that your enemies shout angrily [at you]; the uproar that they make [while they oppose you] never stops.
אל תשכח קול צרריך שאון קמיך עלה תמיד׃

< Psalms 74 >