< Psalms 7 >

1 Yahweh my God, I come to you to protect me. Rescue me, save me from all those who are pursuing me [in order to harm me].
Un salmo (Sigaión) de David, el cual cantó al Señor refiriéndose a Cus, de la tribu de Benjamín. Señor, mi Dios, tu eres mi protección. Sálvame de los que me persiguen. ¡Por favor, rescátame!
2 If you do not do that, they will tear me into pieces like a lion does [when it attacks the animals it wants to kill], and no one will save me [from them].
De lo contrario, me devorarán como a un león, y me harán trizas sin nadie que me salve.
3 Yahweh my God, if I have done anything that is wrong,
Si he hecho aquello de lo que me acusan, si mis manos son culpables,
4 if I have done evil to some friend who did good things to me, or if, for no good reason, I have spared (OR, acted violently toward) those who were my enemies,
si he pagado mal a un amigo, si le he robado a mi enemigo sin razón,
5 allow my enemies to pursue me and capture me. Allow them to trample me into the ground and leave me [SYN] [lying dead] in the dirt.
entonces deja que mis enemigos me alcancen, y déjalos que me atrapen hasta llevarme al suelo y que arrastren mi reputación en el polvo. (Selah)
6 But Yahweh, because you are [very] angry [with those who pursue me], arise and attack/defeat my enemies who are furiously/angrily [attacking me] Do to them what is just!
Levántate, Señor, y en tu ira álzate contra mis enemigos. ¡Despiértate, Señor, y hazme justicia!
7 Gather around you the people of [all] nations, and rule them from where you are in heaven [MTY].
Junta a las naciones delante de ti, gobiérnalas desde tu trono que está en lo alto.
8 Yahweh, judge the people of [all] nations! And, Yahweh, show that I have done nothing that is wrong.
El Señor juzga a todos los pueblos. Defiéndeme, Señor, conforme a mi rectitud e integridad.
9 God, you know what every person is thinking, and because you are righteous, you [always] do what is just/right. [So now] stop evil people from doing wicked [deeds], and defend [all of us who are] righteous!
Por favor, ponle fin a todo el mal hecho por los malvados. Vindica a los que hacen el bien, porque tú eres el Señor de justicia que examina las mentes y los corazones.
10 God, you protect me like a shield [protects soldiers] [MET]; you protect all those who are righteous in their inner being.
El Altísimo es mi defensa. Es el que salva a los que viven en justicia.
11 You judge [everyone] correctly, and every day you punish [wicked people].
Dios es un juez justo que se enoja con los que hacen el mal.
12 Whenever your enemies do not (repent/change their behavior), [it is as though] [MET] you sharpen your sword and put a string on your bow [to get ready to kill them].
Si no se arrepienten, él afilará su espada. Ya tiene armado su arco.
13 You are preparing your weapons that kill those whom they strike; the arrows that you will shoot have flaming tips.
Ha preparado armas mortales, y tiene preparadas flechas ardientes.
14 Wicked people tell lies, and they think that they surely will be able to do [MET] the evil things that they are planning to do [just as surely as] a pregnant woman [knows that she is going to give birth to a child] [MET].
¡Miren cómo los malvados conciben el mal! Se embarazan con maldad, y dan a luz al engaño.
15 But when they dig a deep pit [to trap others], they themselves will fall into it.
Cavan un pozo profundo para hacer caer a la gente, pero son ellos mismos quienes caen en él.
16 They themselves will experience the trouble that they want to cause others to have; they will hurt themselves by the violent things that they want to do to others.
La maldad que hacen rebota y cae sobre sus cabezas; y su violencia caerá sobre sus propios cráneos.
17 I praise Yahweh because he [always acts] righteously/justly; I sing to praise Yahweh, the one who is much greater than any other god.
Agradeceré al Señor porque él hace justicia; cantaré alabanzas al nombre del Altísimo.

< Psalms 7 >