< Psalms 69 >

1 O God, save me, because [I am in great danger]. [It is as though] flood water is up to my neck, [and I am about to drown] [MET].
Ngisindisa, Nkulunkulu, ngoba amanzi asengene kuwo umphefumulo.
2 I continue to sink in the deep mud, and there is no solid ground for me to stand on. I am in deep water, and flood waters are swirling around me.
Ngiyatshona odakeni olujulileyo, lapho okungelakuma khona; ngingene emanzini atshonayo, lapho impophoma iyangicwilisa.
3 I am exhausted from calling out [for help]; my throat is very dry. Because I have cried so much as I have waited for God [to help me], my eyes are swollen.
Ngidiniwe yikukhala kwami, umphimbo wami womile qha; amehlo ami ayafiphala ekulindeleni uNkulunkulu wami.
4 Those who hate me when there is no reason to hate me are more than the number of hairs on my head [HYP]! Those who want to get rid of me are strong, and they tell lies about me. They demand that I return to them things that I did not steal!
Abangizondayo ngeze banengi okwedlula inwele zekhanda lami; abangangibhubhisa, izitha zami ngaphandle kwecala, balamandla. Lokho engingakwebanga ngasengikubuyisela.
5 O God, (you see the sins that I have committed/my sins are not hidden from you). You know that I have foolishly [disobeyed your laws].
Nkulunkulu, wena uyabazi ubuthutha bami, lezono zami kazifihlakalanga kuwe.
6 O Yahweh God, [you who are the commander] of the armies [of heaven], do not allow the [wrong things that] I [have done] to cause those who trust in you to be disappointed/disillusioned. O God, you whom [we] Israeli people [worship], do not allow me to cause your people to be humiliated.
Kabangayangeki ngenxa yami labo abakulindeleyo, Nkosi Jehova wamabandla; bangadunyazwa ngenxa yami labo abakudingayo, Nkulunkulu kaIsrayeli.
7 People have insulted/ridiculed me because [I am devoted to] you. They have thoroughly humiliated [IDM] me.
Ngoba ngenxa yakho ngithwele ihlazo; inhloni zisibekele ubuso bami.
8 Even my own [older] brothers act as if they do not know me; they treat me like a foreigner.
Sengaba ngowemzini kubafowethu, lowezizweni kubantwana bakamama.
9 [Some people have despised your temple]; but my zeal for [keeping] your temple [holy] is like a fire burning inside me. So [it is as though] those who are insulting you are also insulting me.
Ngoba ukutshisekela indlu yakho kungidlile, lenhlamba yabakuhlambazayo iwele phezu kwami.
10 When I have humbled myself and (fasted/abstained from eating food) [to show my sadness about the disgraceful things that they have done to your temple], they just insult me.
Ngasengilila ekuzileni ukudla komphefumulo wami, njalo kwaba yikudunyazwa kimi.
11 When I put on [rough] sackcloth [to show that I am sad], they laugh at [IDM] me.
Ngasengisenza isaka isembatho sami, ngaba yisiga kibo.
12 Even the elders [of the city] say bad things about me. The drunkards of the city sing [disgusting] songs about me.
Abahlezi esangweni bakhuluma ngami, njalo ngaba yingoma yabanatha okunathwayo okulamandla.
13 But Yahweh, I will [continue] praying to you. At the time that you choose, answer me and rescue me because you faithfully love me.
Kodwa mina umkhuleko wami ukuwe, Nkosi, ngesikhathi somusa, Nkulunkulu, ngobunengi besihawu sakho, ngiphendule, ngeqiniso losindiso lwakho.
14 Do not allow me to sink any more in the mud. Rescue me from those who hate me! Lift me up out of these deep waters!
Ungophule odakeni, ngingatshoni; ngikhululwe kwabangizondayo lenzikini yamanzi.
15 Do not allow flood waters to swirl around me, do not allow the deep [mud] to swallow me; keep me from sinking into the pit [of death] [MET].
Impophoma yamanzi kayingangicwilisi, lenziki ingangiginyi, lomgodi ungavali umlomo wawo phezu kwami.
16 O Yahweh, answer my prayer and help me because you are good and love me faithfully.
Ngiphendula, Nkosi, ngoba uthandolomusa wakho lulungile; ngobunengi besihawu sakho uphendukele kimi.
17 Do not (hide yourself from/refuse to hear) me; answer me quickly because I am in great trouble.
Njalo ungayifihleli ubuso bakho inceku yakho; ngoba ngiyahlupheka, phangisa ungiphendule.
18 Come near to me and save me; rescue me from my enemies.
Sondela emphefumulweni wami, uwuhlenge, ungikhulule ngenxa yezitha zami.
19 You know that I am insulted and that [people cause] me [to feel] ashamed and dishonored; you know [who] all my enemies [are].
Wena uyakwazi ukuthukwa kwami lehlazo lami lokudunyazwa kwami; izitha zami zonke ziphambi kwakho.
20 [Their] insults have deeply offended me, and I (feel helpless/am in despair). I searched for [someone who would] pity [me], but there was no one. I wanted someone to encourage/comfort me, but there were none.
Ukuthukwa kuyidabule inhliziyo yami, njalo ngibuthakathaka. Bengilindele ongangihawukela, kodwa wayengekho, labaduduzayo, kodwa kangibatholanga.
21 [Instead], they gave me food [that tasted like] poison, and when I was thirsty, they gave me sour wine to drink.
Basebengipha inyongo ibe yikudla kwami, lekomeni kwami banginathisa iviniga.
22 I hope/desire that the feasts [MTY] [that they enjoy] will (become a snare for/bring trouble to) them, and that [those whom they invite to] the sacrificial feasts will also be trapped.
Itafula labo eliphambi kwabo kalibe ngumjibila, ibe yisifu sabonwabileyo.
23 I hope/desire that their eyesight will become dim so that they cannot see anything, and that their backs/bodies will become weaker and weaker.
Amehlo abo kawafiphale ukuze bangaboni, njalo wenze inkalo zabo zihlale zithuthumele.
24 Show them that you are very angry with them! Because of your great/furious anger, chase after them and catch them.
Thela intukuthelo yakho phezu kwabo, lolaka lwakho oluvuthayo lubafice.
25 Cause their towns to become abandoned/deserted and that there will be no one left to live in their tents/houses.
Indawo yabo yokuhlala kayibe lunxiwa, kungabi khona ohlala emathenteni abo.
26 [Do this] because they persecute those whom you have punished, (they talk about the sins of/they want to hurt even more) those whom you have wounded.
Ngoba omtshayileyo wena bayamzingela, njalo baxoxa kube buhlungu kwabalinyazwe nguwe.
27 Keep making a record of all their sins, do not acquit/pardon them [for the evil things that they have done].
Yengezelela ukona ekoneni kwabo, ukuze bangangeni ekulungeni kwakho.
28 Erase their names [SYN] from the book [containing the names of those who have eternal] life; do not include them in the list of righteous people.
Kabesulwe ogwalweni lwabaphilayo, bangabalwa kanye labalungileyo.
29 As for me, I have pain and am suffering. O God, protect me and rescue me.
Kodwa mina ngilusizi, ngiyafuthelwa; usindiso lwakho, Nkulunkulu, kalungimise phezulu ngivikelekile.
30 When God does that, I will sing as I praise God, and I will honor him by thanking him.
Ngizadumisa ibizo likaNkulunkulu ngehubo, ngimkhulise ngokubonga.
31 My doing that will please Yahweh more than [sacrificing] oxen, more than offering him full-grown bulls.
Kuzakuba kuhle-ke eNkosini okwedlula inkabi kumbe ijongosi elilempondo lenklagu.
32 Oppressed/Afflicted people will see [that God has rescued me], and they will be glad. I want all of you who ask God [to help you] to be encouraged.
Abathobekileyo bazabona, bathokoze; lina elidinga uNkulunkulu inhliziyo yenu izaphila.
33 Yahweh listens to those who are needy; He does not ignore/forget those who are oppressed/imprisoned.
Ngoba iNkosi iyabezwa abaswelayo, njalo kayideleli izibotshwa zayo.
34 I desire that everything will praise God— everything that is in heaven and on earth, and all the creatures that are in the seas.
Kakuthi amazulu lomhlaba kuyidumise, izinlwandle lakho konke okunyakaza phakathi kwazo.
35 God will rescue the people of Jerusalem [from their enemies], and he will rebuild the towns that are in Judah. His people will live there and [again] possess the land.
Ngoba uNkulunkulu uzasindisa iZiyoni, ayakhe imizi yakoJuda; njalo bahlale khona badle ilifa layo.
36 The descendants of his people will inherit it, and those who love him will live there [safely].
Lenzalo yenceku zakhe izakudla ilifa layo, labathanda ibizo lakhe bazahlala kuyo.

< Psalms 69 >