< Psalms 67 >

1 God, be merciful to us and bless us; be kind to us [IDM],
In finem, In hymnis, Psalmus Cantici David. Deus misereatur nostri, et benedicat nobis: illuminet vultum suum super nos, et misereatur nostri.
2 in order that [everyone in] the world may know what you want them to do, and [the people of] all nations may know that you [have the power to] save [them].
Ut cognascamus in terra viam tuam: in omnibus gentibus salutare tuum.
3 God, I desire that [all] people-groups [will] praise you; I want them all to praise you!
Confiteantur tibi populi Deus: confiteantur tibi populi omnes.
4 I desire that [the people of all] nations will be glad and sing joyfully, because you judge the people-groups equally/justly, and you guide [all] nations in the world.
Lætentur et exultent gentes: quoniam iudicas populos in æquitate, et gentes in terra dirigis.
5 God, I desire that the people-groups [will] praise you; I want them all to praise you!
Confiteantur tibi populi Deus: confiteantur tibi populi omnes.
6 Good crops have grown on our land; God, our God, has blessed us.
Terra dedit fructum suum. Benedicat nos Deus, Deus noster,
7 [And because] God has blessed us, I desire that all [people] everywhere [MTY] on the earth will revere him.
benedicat nos Deus: et metuant eum omnes fines terræ.

< Psalms 67 >