< Psalms 66 >

1 [Tell] everyone on the earth that they should sing joyfully to praise God!
2 They should sing songs that say that God [MTY] is very great, and they should tell everyone that he is very glorious!
3 They should say to God, “The things that you do are awesome! You are very powerful, with the result that your enemies (cringe/bow down) in front of you.”
かみに告まつれ 汝のもろもろの功用はおそるべきかな大なる力によりてなんぢの仇はなんぢに畏れしたがひ
4 Everyone on the earth [should] worship God and sing to praise him and honor him [MTY].
全地はなんぢを拝みてうたひ名をほめうたはんと (セラ)
5 Come and think about what God has done! Think about the awesome things that he has done.
來りて神のみわざをみよ 人の子輩にむかひて作たまふことはおそるべきかな
6 He caused the [Red] Sea to become dry land, [with the result that our] ancestors were able to walk right through it. There we rejoiced because of what he [had done].
神はうみをかへて乾ける地となしたまへり ひとびと歩行にて河をわたりき その處にてわれらは神をよろこべり
7 By his great power he rules forever, and he keeps watching all the nations [to see what things they do], [so] those nations that want to rebel [against him] should not be proud.
神はその大能をもてとこしへに統治め その目は諸國をみたまふ そむく者みづからを崇むべからず (セラ)
8 You people [of all nations], praise our God! Praise him loudly in order that people will hear you as you praise him.
もろもろの民よ われらの神をほめまつれ神をほめたたふる聲をきこえしめよ
9 He has kept us alive, and he has not allowed us to (stumble/be defeated).
神はわれらの霊魂をながらへしめ われらの足のうごかさるることをゆるしたまはず
10 God, you have tested us; you have allowed us to experience great difficulties [to make our lives become pure] as [people] put precious metals in a hot fire [to burn out what is impure] [MET].
11 [It is as if] you allowed us to fall into traps [MET], and you [forced us to endure difficult things which were like] putting heavy loads on our backs [MET].
汝われらを網にひきいれ われらの腰におもき荷をおき
12 You allowed [our] enemies to trample on us; we [experienced difficulties/troubles that were like] [MET] walking through fires and floods, but now you have brought us into a place where we have plenty.
人々をわれらの首のうへに騎こえしめたまひき われらは火のなか水のなかをすぎゆけり されど汝その中よりわれらをひきいたし豊盛なる處にいたらしめたまへり
13 [Yahweh], I will bring to your temple offerings that are to be completely burned [on the altar]; I will offer to you what I promised.
われ燔祭をもてなんぢの家にゆかん 迫りくるしみたるときにわが口唇のいひいでわが口ののべし誓をなんぢに償はん
14 When I was experiencing [much] trouble, I said that I would bring offerings to you [if you rescued me]; [and you did rescue me, so] I will bring to you what I promised.
われ燔祭をもてなんぢの家にゆかん 迫りくるしみたるときにわが口唇のいひいでわが口ののべし誓をなんぢに償はん
15 I will bring sheep to be burned on the altar, and I will [also] sacrifice bulls and goats, and when they are burning, [you will be pleased when] the smoke [rises up] ([to you/to the sky]).
われ肥たるものを燔祭とし牡羊を馨香として汝にささげ牡牛と牡山羊とをそなへまつらん (セラ)
16 All you [people] who revere God, come and listen, and I will tell you what he has done for me.
神をおそるる人よ みな來りてきけ われ神のわがたましひのために作たまへることをのべん
17 I called out to him to help me, and I praised him while I was speaking to him [MTY].
われわが口をもて神によばはり また舌をもてあがむ
18 If I had ignored the sins that I had committed, the Lord would not have paid any attention to me.
19 But because [I confessed my sins], God has listened to me and he paid attention to my prayers.
20 I praise God because he has not ignored my prayers or stopped faithfully loving me.
神はほむべきかな わが祈をしりぞけず その憐憫をわれよりとりのぞきたまはざりき

< Psalms 66 >