< Psalms 66 >

1 [Tell] everyone on the earth that they should sing joyfully to praise God!
प्रधान बजानेवाले के लिये गीत, भजन हे सारी पृथ्वी के लोगों, परमेश्वर के लिये जयजयकार करो;
2 They should sing songs that say that God [MTY] is very great, and they should tell everyone that he is very glorious!
उसके नाम की महिमा का भजन गाओ; उसकी स्तुति करते हुए, उसकी महिमा करो।
3 They should say to God, “The things that you do are awesome! You are very powerful, with the result that your enemies (cringe/bow down) in front of you.”
परमेश्वर से कहो, “तेरे काम कितने भयानक हैं! तेरी महासामर्थ्य के कारण तेरे शत्रु तेरी चापलूसी करेंगे।
4 Everyone on the earth [should] worship God and sing to praise him and honor him [MTY].
सारी पृथ्वी के लोग तुझे दण्डवत् करेंगे, और तेरा भजन गाएँगे; वे तेरे नाम का भजन गाएँगे।” (सेला)
5 Come and think about what God has done! Think about the awesome things that he has done.
आओ परमेश्वर के कामों को देखो; वह अपने कार्यों के कारण मनुष्यों को भययोग्य देख पड़ता है।
6 He caused the [Red] Sea to become dry land, [with the result that our] ancestors were able to walk right through it. There we rejoiced because of what he [had done].
उसने समुद्र को सूखी भूमि कर डाला; वे महानद में से पाँव-पाँव पार उतरे। वहाँ हम उसके कारण आनन्दित हुए,
7 By his great power he rules forever, and he keeps watching all the nations [to see what things they do], [so] those nations that want to rebel [against him] should not be proud.
जो अपने पराक्रम से सर्वदा प्रभुता करता है, और अपनी आँखों से जाति-जाति को ताकता है। विद्रोही अपने सिर न उठाए। (सेला)
8 You people [of all nations], praise our God! Praise him loudly in order that people will hear you as you praise him.
हे देश-देश के लोगों, हमारे परमेश्वर को धन्य कहो, और उसकी स्तुति में राग उठाओ,
9 He has kept us alive, and he has not allowed us to (stumble/be defeated).
जो हमको जीवित रखता है; और हमारे पाँव को टलने नहीं देता।
10 God, you have tested us; you have allowed us to experience great difficulties [to make our lives become pure] as [people] put precious metals in a hot fire [to burn out what is impure] [MET].
१०क्योंकि हे परमेश्वर तूने हमको जाँचा; तूने हमें चाँदी के समान ताया था।
11 [It is as if] you allowed us to fall into traps [MET], and you [forced us to endure difficult things which were like] putting heavy loads on our backs [MET].
११तूने हमको जाल में फँसाया; और हमारी कमर पर भारी बोझ बाँधा था;
12 You allowed [our] enemies to trample on us; we [experienced difficulties/troubles that were like] [MET] walking through fires and floods, but now you have brought us into a place where we have plenty.
१२तूने घुड़चढ़ों को हमारे सिरों के ऊपर से चलाया, हम आग और जल से होकर गए; परन्तु तूने हमको उबार के सुख से भर दिया है।
13 [Yahweh], I will bring to your temple offerings that are to be completely burned [on the altar]; I will offer to you what I promised.
१३मैं होमबलि लेकर तेरे भवन में आऊँगा मैं उन मन्नतों को तेरे लिये पूरी करूँगा,
14 When I was experiencing [much] trouble, I said that I would bring offerings to you [if you rescued me]; [and you did rescue me, so] I will bring to you what I promised.
१४जो मैंने मुँह खोलकर मानीं, और संकट के समय कही थीं।
15 I will bring sheep to be burned on the altar, and I will [also] sacrifice bulls and goats, and when they are burning, [you will be pleased when] the smoke [rises up] ([to you/to the sky]).
१५मैं तुझे मोटे पशुओं की होमबलि, मेढ़ों की चर्बी की धूप समेत चढ़ाऊँगा; मैं बकरों समेत बैल चढ़ाऊँगा। (सेला)
16 All you [people] who revere God, come and listen, and I will tell you what he has done for me.
१६हे परमेश्वर के सब डरवैयों, आकर सुनो, मैं बताऊँगा कि उसने मेरे लिये क्या-क्या किया है।
17 I called out to him to help me, and I praised him while I was speaking to him [MTY].
१७मैंने उसको पुकारा, और उसी का गुणानुवाद मुझसे हुआ।
18 If I had ignored the sins that I had committed, the Lord would not have paid any attention to me.
१८यदि मैं मन में अनर्थ की बात सोचता, तो प्रभु मेरी न सुनता।
19 But because [I confessed my sins], God has listened to me and he paid attention to my prayers.
१९परन्तु परमेश्वर ने तो सुना है; उसने मेरी प्रार्थना की ओर ध्यान दिया है।
20 I praise God because he has not ignored my prayers or stopped faithfully loving me.
२०धन्य है परमेश्वर, जिसने न तो मेरी प्रार्थना अनसुनी की, और न मुझसे अपनी करुणा दूर कर दी है!

< Psalms 66 >