< Psalms 65 >

1 God, it is right/appropriate [for us] to praise you in Jerusalem, and to do what [we] have promised you that [we] would do,
ああ神よさんびはシオンにて汝をまつ 人はみまへにて誓をはたさん
2 [because] you answer our prayers. People everywhere will come to you
3 because of the sins [that they have committed]. Our many sins are like a very heavy burden to us, but you forgive us.
不義のことば我にかてり なんぢ我儕のもろもろの愆をきよめたまはん
4 You are pleased with those whom you have chosen to live close to your temple. We are happy with all the blessings that we receive from [worshiping in] your sacred temple.
汝にえらばれ汝にちかづけられて大庭にすまふ者はさいはひなり われらはなんぢの家なんぢの宮のきよき處のめぐみにて飽ことをえん
5 [God, when we pray to you], you answer us and save us by doing awesome deeds; you are the one who rescues us; people who live in very remote places on the earth, on the other side of the oceans, trust in you.
われらが救のかみよ 地と海とのもろもろの極なるきはめて遠ものの恃とするなんぢは公義によりて畏るべきことをもて我儕にこたへたまはん
6 By your strength you put the mountains in their places, [showing that] you are very powerful.
かみは大能をおび その權力によりてもろもろの山をかたくたたしめ
7 You calm the seas when they roar, and you stop the waves from crashing [on the shore]; you [also] calm people when they (make a great uproar/shout angrily together).
海のひびき狂瀾のひびき もろもろの民のかしがましきを鎮めたまへり
8 People who live in very remote/distant places on the earth (are awed by/revere) you because of the miracles that you perform; because of what you do, people who live far to the west and far to the east shout joyfully.
されば極遠にすめる人々もなんぢのくさぐさの豫兆をみておそる なんぢ朝夕のいづる處をよろこび謳はしめたまふ
9 You take care of the soil and send rain, causing many good things to grow; you fill the streams with water, and cause grain/crops to grow. That is what you have determined/said would happen.
なんぢ地にのぞみて漑そぎおほいに之をゆたかにしたまへり 神のかはに水みちたり なんぢ如此そなへをなして穀物をかれらにあたへたまへり
10 You [send plenty of rain] on the fields that have been plowed, and you fill the furrows with water. With showers you soften the [hard clods/lumps of] soil, and you bless the soil by causing young plants to grow.
なんぢ畎をおほいにうるほし畝をたひらにし白雨にてこれをやはらかにし その萌芽るを祝し
11 Because you bless the soil, there are very good crops at harvest season; wherever you have gone [MTY], good crops are very abundant [IDM].
また恩惠をもて年の冕弁としたまへり なんぢの途には膏したたれり
12 The pastures are full of flocks [of sheep and goats]; [it is as though] the hills are very joyful.
13 The meadows are full of sheep and goats, and the valleys are full of grain; [it is as though] they [also] sing and shout joyfully.
牧場はみな羊のむれを衣もろもろの谷は穀物におほはれたり かれらは皆よろこびてよばはりまた謳ふ

< Psalms 65 >