< Psalms 64 >

1 God, listen to me as I tell you the things that I am worried about. I am afraid of my enemies; so save/rescue me from them.
Чуј, Боже, глас мој у јаду мом; од страшног непријатеља сачувај живот мој.
2 Protect me from what wicked men are planning to do to me; protect me from that gang of men who do what is evil.
Сакриј ме од гомиле безаконика, од чете злочинаца,
3 The hostile things they say [MTY] are like [SIM] [sharp] swords; their cruel words are like [SIM] arrows.
Који наоштрише језик свој као мач, стрељају речима, које задају ране,
4 Without being afraid, they [lie about people and slander people] who have not done what is wrong, like someone who suddenly jumps up from where he is hiding and shoots [arrows] at his enemy [MET].
Да би из потаје убили правога. Изненада ударају на њ и не боје се;
5 They encourage each other about doing the evil things that they are planning to do; they talk [with each other] about where they can set traps to catch people, and they think, “No one [RHQ] will see what we are doing,
Утврђују себе у злим намерама, договарају се како ће замке сакрити, веле: Ко ће их видети?
6 because we have planned very well the crime that we are going to commit!” No one can fully understand what people can think and plan!
Измишљају злочинства и говоре: Свршено је! Шта ће се радити, смишљено је! А шта је унутра и срце у човека дубоко је.
7 But [it will be as though] God will shoot his arrows at them, and suddenly they will be wounded.
Али ће их Бог поразити; удариће их стрела изненада.
8 Because of what they say [MTY], he will get rid of them, and then everyone who sees [what has happened to] them will shake their heads [to ridicule them].
Обориће један другог језиком својим. Ко их год види, бежаће од њих.
9 And then everyone will be afraid [to sin because of what might happen to them, also]; they will tell others what God has done, and they themselves will think much about it.
Сви ће се људи бојати и казиваће чудо Божије, и познаће у томе дело Његово.
10 Righteous people should rejoice because of what Yahweh [has done]; they should go to him to (find protection/be safe); and all those who are godly will praise him.
А праведник ће се веселити о Господу и уздаће се у Њега, и хвалиће се сви који су правог срца.

< Psalms 64 >