< Psalms 60 >

1 [I prayed], “God, you have rejected us [Israelis]! Because you have been angry [with us], you have [enabled our enemies] to break through our ranks. [Please] enable us to be strong again!
Au maître chantre. Sur Schouschan-Edouth. Ecrit didactique de David, quand il faisait la guerre aux Syriens de Mésopotamie et aux Syriens de Zoba, et que Joab revint, et battit les Edomites dans la vallée du sel, au nombre de douze mille. O Dieu, tu nous as rejetés, nous as dispersés; tu étais irrité: rends-nous ton amour!
2 [When we were defeated, it was as though] [MET] there was a big earthquake in our land that caused the ground to split open. So now, [just as only you can] cause the cracks in the land to disappear, [help our army to be strong again], because [it is as though] our country is (falling apart/being destroyed).
Tu as ébranlé, déchiré le pays: guéris ses blessures, car il est chancelant!
3 You have caused [us], your people, to suffer very much; [it is as though] you forced us to drink [strong] wine that caused us to stagger around [after we became drunk].
Tu as fait sentir la rigueur à ton peuple, tu nous a fait boire le vin du vertige.
4 But you have raised a battle flag for those who revere you in order that they can gather around it and not [be killed by the enemies’] arrows.
Tu as donné à tes fidèles une bannière, afin qu'ils se lèvent au nom de la vérité. (Pause)
5 Answer our [prayers] and enable us by your power [MTY] to defeat [our enemies] in order that we, the people whom you love, will be saved.”
Pour que tes bien-aimés soient sauvés, aide-les de ta droite, et nous exauce!
6 [Then] God [answered my prayer and] spoke from his temple, saying, “Because I have conquered [your enemies], I will divide up [everything in] Shechem [city], and I will distribute it among my people [the land in] Succoth Valley.
Dieu l'a promis par sa sainteté: je veux m'en réjouir! « Je vous partagerai Sichem, et vous distribuerai la Vallée de Succoth;
7 The Gilead [region] is mine; the [people of the tribe of] Manasseh are mine; [the tribe of] Ephraim is [like] my helmet [MET]; and [the tribe of] Judah is [like] the (scepter/stick [that I hold which shows that I am the ruler]) [MET];
Galaad est à moi, Manassé est à moi, Ephraïm est le rempart de ma tête, et Juda, mon sceptre royal;
8 but the Moab [region] is [like] my washbasin [MET]; I throw my sandal in the Edom [area to show that it belongs to me]; I shout triumphantly because I have defeated [the people of] the Philistia [area].”
Moab est le bassin où je me baigne, et sur Edom je jette ma chaussure; pour moi, Philistie, élève tes acclamations! »
9 [Because I want to defeat the people of] Edom, (who will lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it?/I want someone to lead my [army triumphantly] to their [capital] city that has strong walls around it.)” [RHQ]
Qui me conduira dans la ville forte? qui me mènera jusqu'en Edom?
10 So, God, we [desire/hope that] [RHQ] you have not truly abandoned us, and that you will go with us when our armies march out [to fight our enemies].
N'est-ce pas toi, ô Dieu, toi qui nous rejetas, et ne marchas plus, ô Dieu, avec nos armées?
11 [We need you to] help us when we fight against our enemies, because the help that humans can give us is worthless.
Donne-nous ton aide pour sortir de la gêne, puisque le secours de l'homme est une vanité!
12 But with you [helping us], we shall win; you will enable us to defeat our enemies.
Avec Dieu, nous serons vainqueurs, et c'est Lui qui foulera nos ennemis.

< Psalms 60 >