< Psalms 6 >
1 Yahweh, do not punish me when you are angry [with me]; Do not even rebuke/scold me [when you are angry].
Dāvida dziesma. Dziedātāju vadonim uz koklēm ar astoņām stīgām. Ak Kungs, nesodi mani Savā dusmībā, un nepārmāci mani Savā bardzībā!
2 Yahweh, be kind to me and heal me because I have become weak. My body [SYN] shakes because I am experiencing much pain.
Kungs, esi man žēlīgs, jo es esmu noguris, dziedini mani, Kungs, jo mani kauli ir iztrūkušies,
3 Yahweh, I am greatly distressed. How long ([must I endure this/will it be before you help me]) [RHQ]?
Un mana dvēsele ir ļoti iztrūkusies, bet Tu, Kungs, cik ilgi?
4 Yahweh, please come and rescue me. Save me because you faithfully love me.
Griezies atpakaļ, Kungs, izglābi manu dvēseli, atpestī mani Tavas žēlastības dēļ.
5 I will not be able to praise you after I die [RHQ]; No one in the place of the dead praises you. (Sheol )
Jo nāvē Tevi nepiemin; kas kapā Tevi slavēs? (Sheol )
6 I am exhausted/groan [from my pain]. At night I cry very much, with the result that my bed and my pillow become wet from my tears.
Es esmu piekusis no savas vaidēšanas, uz savas gultas es raudu cauru nakti, mana guļama vieta plūst no asarām,
7 My tears blur my eyes so much that I cannot see well. My eyes have become weak because my enemies [have caused me to cry constantly].
Mana acs ir noģindusi no skumības, un ir novītusi manu ienaidnieku dēļ.
8 You people who do evil things, get away from me!
Atkāpjaties no manis, visi ļauna darītāji, jo Tas Kungs klausa manu raudu balsi.
9 Yahweh heard me when I was crying and called out to him [to help me], and he will answer my prayer.
Tas Kungs klausa manu lūgšanu, manu pielūgšanu Tas Kungs pieņem.
10 [When that happens], all my enemies will be ashamed, and they will [also] be terrified. They will get away [from me] and suddenly [leave me] because they will be disgraced.
Visi mani ienaidnieki paliks kaunā, tie ļoti iztrūksies, atkāpsies un paliks kaunā piepeši.