< Psalms 6 >
1 Yahweh, do not punish me when you are angry [with me]; Do not even rebuke/scold me [when you are angry].
Zborovođi. Uz žičano glazbalo. U oktavi. Psalam. Davidov. Jahve, nemoj me karati u srdžbi svojoj, ne kažnjavaj me u svojoj jarosti!
2 Yahweh, be kind to me and heal me because I have become weak. My body [SYN] shakes because I am experiencing much pain.
Smiluj mi se, Jahve, jer sam iznemog'o, Jahve, ozdravi me jer dršću kosti moje.
3 Yahweh, I am greatly distressed. How long ([must I endure this/will it be before you help me]) [RHQ]?
Duboko mi je duša potresena, a ti, o Jahve - dokle ćeš?
4 Yahweh, please come and rescue me. Save me because you faithfully love me.
Vrati se, Jahve, dušu mi izbavi, spasi me rad svoje dobrote:
5 I will not be able to praise you after I die [RHQ]; No one in the place of the dead praises you. (Sheol )
jer među mrtvima tko te se sjeća, u Podzemlju tko ti hvale pjeva? (Sheol )
6 I am exhausted/groan [from my pain]. At night I cry very much, with the result that my bed and my pillow become wet from my tears.
Iznemogoh od pusta jecanja, u noći postelju plačem zalijevam, suzama ležaj natapam.
7 My tears blur my eyes so much that I cannot see well. My eyes have become weak because my enemies [have caused me to cry constantly].
Od žalosti oko mi gasne i slabi, jer su mnogi neprijatelji moji.
8 You people who do evil things, get away from me!
Odstupite od mene, svi opaki, jer je Jahve plač moj čuo.
9 Yahweh heard me when I was crying and called out to him [to help me], and he will answer my prayer.
Čuo je Jahve molbu moju, Jahve je primio moju molitvu.
10 [When that happens], all my enemies will be ashamed, and they will [also] be terrified. They will get away [from me] and suddenly [leave me] because they will be disgraced.
Neka se postide i užasno zbune svi moji dušmani, i puni srama neka smjesta odstupe.