< Psalms 59 >

1 God, save me from my enemies! Protect me from those who want to attack me!
Ilaahayow, cadaawayaashayda iga samatabbixi, Oo kuwa igu kacayna meel sare iga saar.
2 Rescue me from men who want to do what is wicked, men who are murderers!
Iga samatabbixi xumaanfalayaasha, Oo dadka dhiigyocabyada ahna iga badbaadi.
3 Look! They are waiting to kill me! Fierce men have gathered to assault me. Yahweh, they are doing that even though I have not done what is wrong!
Waayo, bal eeg, waxay gaadaan naftayda, Oo kuwa xoogga badanuna way isu kay wada urursadaan, Rabbiyow, weliba ma aha xadgudubkayga aawadiis iyo dembigayga aawadiis toona.
4 It is not because I have committed any sin [against them] that they run and get ready to attack me.
Waxay u ordaan oo isu diyaariyaan wax aanan eed ku lahayn, Dartay u kac inaad i caawiso oo aad i eegto.
5 Yahweh my God, commander of the armies of heaven, the one we Israelis [worship], arise and punish the [ungodly/heathen people of] all the nations; do not be merciful to those [wicked people] who have (acted treacherously toward/secretly planned to harm) us.
Rabbiyow, Ilaaha ciidammadow, Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iilow, Sara joogso oo quruumaha oo dhan soo booqo, Oo innaba ha u naxariisan xadgudbayaasha. (Selaah)
6 They return each evening, snarling like vicious dogs [SIM] as they prowl around this city.
Fiidkay soo noqdaan, oo waxay u ciyaan sida eey oo kale, Oo waxay ku warwareegaan magaalada hareeraheeda.
7 They loudly say terrible things; they say [MTY] many things that [injure people like] [MET] swords do, but they think, “No one will [RHQ] hear us!”
Afkooda waxaa ka qubmaysa cay, Bushimahoodana waxaa ku jira seefo, Waayo, waxay isyidhaahdaan, Bal yaa na maqla?
8 But Yahweh, you laugh at them. You (scoff at/ridicule) the [people of the pagan] nations.
Laakiinse Rabbiyow, iyagaad ku qosli doontaa, Quruumaha oo dhan waad quudhsan doontaa.
9 God, I have confidence in you because you are very strong; you are my refuge.
Xooggaygiiyow, adigaan ku sugi doonaa, Waayo, Ilaah waa qalcaddayda.
10 Because you love me, you will come to save me; you will allow me to watch while you defeat my enemies.
Ilaahayga naxariista leh ayaa i hor iman doona, Oo waxaan doonayana Ilaah wuxuu iga tusi doonaa cadaawayaashayda.
11 But do not kill them [immediately] in order that my people will not forget [how you punished them]! [Instead], Lord, [you who are like a] shield [that protects us] [MET], scatter them by your power, and [then] defeat them.
Sayidow, gaashaankayagiiyow, Iyaga ha layn, waaba intaasoo ay dadkaygu illoobaane, Laakiinse iyaga xooggaaga ku kala firdhi, oo hoos u soo deji.
12 Because what they say [MTY] is sinful, allow them to be trapped for being proud. Because they are [always] cursing and telling lies,
Kibirkoodu iyaga ha dabo Dembiga afkooda iyo erayada bushimahooda aawadood, Iyo weliba habaarka iyo beenta ay ku hadlaan aawadood.
13 because you are angry, get rid of them; destroy them completely in order that people will know that you rule over us, your Israeli people, and that you rule over all the earth.
Iyaga cadho ku baabbi'i, si aanay mar dambe u jirin iyaga baabbi'i, Oo ha ogaadeen in Ilaah u taliyo reer Yacquub Tan iyo dhulka darafkiisa. (Selaah)
14 My enemies return each evening, snarling like [vicious] dogs as they prowl around this city.
Oo iyagu fiidka ha soo noqdeen, oo sida eey oo kale ha u ciyeen, Oo magaalada hareeraheeda ha ku warwareegeen.
15 They roam around, searching for food; and if they do not find enough, they growl.
Waxay u warwareegayaan inay cunto helaan, Oo haddaanay dherginna habeenkii oo dhan way sii joogayaan.
16 But [as for me], I will sing about your power; [every] morning I will sing joyfully about your faithfully loving [us]. I will sing about how you protected me when I was [very] distressed.
Laakiinse anigu waxaan ka gabyi doonaa xooggaaga, Haah, oo aroortii ayaan naxariistaada aad uga gabyi doonaa, Waayo, waxaad ahayd qalcaddaydii, Oo maalintii aan dhibaataysnaana magangal baad ii ahayd.
17 God, you are the one who enables me to be strong; you are my refuge; you faithfully love me.
Xooggaygiiyow, adigaan ammaan kuugu gabyi doonaa, Waayo, Ilaah waa qalcaddayda, waana Ilaaha naxariistayda.

< Psalms 59 >