< Psalms 57 >
1 God, be merciful to me! Act mercifully toward me because I come to you to protect me. I ask you to protect me [like little birds are protected under their mother’s] wings [MET] until the storm/danger is ended.
Au chef de musique. Al-Tashkheth. De David. Mictam; quand il fuyait devant Saül, dans la caverne. Use de grâce envers moi, ô Dieu! use de grâce envers moi; car en toi mon âme se réfugie, et sous l’ombre de tes ailes je me réfugie, jusqu’à ce que les calamités soient passées.
2 God, you who are greater than all other gods, I cry out to you, the one who enables me to do all that you desire.
Je crierai au Dieu Très-haut, à Dieu qui mène [tout] à bonne fin pour moi.
3 You will answer me from heaven and rescue me, but you will cause those who oppress me to be [defeated and] disgraced! (Think about that!) God will [always] faithfully love me and (will be faithful/will do what he promises).
Il a envoyé des cieux, et m’a sauvé; il a couvert de honte celui qui veut m’engloutir. (Sélah) Dieu a envoyé sa bonté et sa vérité.
4 [Sometimes] I am surrounded by [my enemies who are like] lions that [kill] humans; [they are like] lions that chew with their teeth [animals that they kill]; but my enemies have spears and arrows, not teeth; and [the false things that] they say [MTY] [hurt people as much as] sharp swords [hurt people] [MET].
Mon âme est au milieu de lions; je suis couché parmi ceux qui soufflent des flammes, – les fils des hommes, dont les dents sont des lances et des flèches, et la langue une épée aiguë.
5 God, show in the heavens that you are very great! And show your glory to people all over the earth!
Élève-toi, ô Dieu! au-dessus des cieux; que ta gloire soit au-dessus de toute la terre!
6 [It is as if] [MET, HYP] my enemies spread a net to seize me, and I became very distressed [IDM]. [It is as if] [MET, HYP] they dug a deep pit along the path where I walk, but they themselves fell into it!
Ils ont préparé un filet pour mes pas, mon âme se courbait; ils ont creusé devant moi une fosse, ils sont tombés dedans. (Sélah)
7 God, I have complete confidence [DOU] in you. I will sing to you, and I will praise you while I sing.
Mon cœur est affermi, ô Dieu! mon cœur est affermi; je chanterai et je psalmodierai.
8 I will awaken myself; I will arise before the sun rises and [praise you while I play] my harp or my (lyre/small harp).
Éveille-toi, mon âme! Éveillez-vous, luth et harpe! Je m’éveillerai à l’aube du jour.
9 Lord, I will thank you among [all] the people; and I will sing to praise you among [many] ethnic groups,
Je te célébrerai parmi les peuples, ô Seigneur! je chanterai tes louanges parmi les peuplades;
10 because your faithful love for us is [as great as the distance from the earth] to the sky, and because your (faithfulness/faithfully doing what you promise) is [as great as the distance] up to the clouds [MET].
Car ta bonté est grande jusqu’aux cieux, et ta vérité jusqu’aux nues.
11 God, show in the heavens that you are very great! And show your glory [to people] all over the earth!
Élève-toi, ô Dieu! au-dessus des cieux; que ta gloire soit au-dessus de toute la terre!