< Psalms 55 >

1 God, listen to my prayer, and do not turn away from me while I am pleading with you.
В конец, в песнех разума, Асафу, псалом. Внуши, Боже, молитву мою и не презри моления моего:
2 Listen to me, and answer me, because I am overwhelmed by [all] my troubles.
вонми ми и услыши мя: возскорбех печалию моею, и смятохся
3 My enemies cause me to be terrified; wicked people oppress me. They cause me to have great troubles; they are angry with me, and they hate me.
от гласа вражия и от стужения грешнича: яко уклониша на мя беззаконие и во гневе враждоваху ми.
4 I am terrified, and I am very much afraid that I will die.
Сердце мое смятеся во мне, и боязнь смерти нападе на мя:
5 I am very fearful and I tremble/shake, and I am completely terrified.
страх и трепет прииде на мя, и покры мя тма.
6 I said, “I wish that I had wings like a dove! If I had wings, I would fly away and find a place to rest.
И рех: кто даст ми криле яко голубине? И полещу, и почию.
7 I would fly far away and live in the desert.
Се, удалихся бегая и водворихся в пустыни.
8 I would quickly find a shelter from [my enemies] [who are like] [MET] a strong wind and rainstorm.”
Чаях Бога спасающаго мя от малодушия и от бури.
9 Lord, confuse my enemies, and cause their plans to fail, because I see them acting violently and causing strife in the city [of Jerusalem].
Потопи, Господи, и раздели языки их: яко видех беззаконие и пререкание во граде.
10 During [each] day and night they march around on top of its walls, committing crimes and causing trouble.
Днем и нощию обыдет и по стенам его: беззаконие и труд посреде его, и неправда:
11 They destroy [things] everywhere. They oppress and defraud [people] in the (marketplaces/public squares).
и не оскуде от стогн его лихва и лесть.
12 If it were an enemy who was making fun of me, I could endure it. If it were someone who hates me, who despises me, I could hide from him.
Яко аще бы враг поносил ми, претерпел бых убо: и аще бы ненавидяй мя на мя велеречевал, укрылбыхся от него.
13 But it is someone who is just like me, my companion, someone who was my friend [who is doing this to me].
Ты же, человече равнодушне, владыко мой и знаемый мой,
14 We previously had many good talks together; we walked around together in God’s temple.
иже купно наслаждался еси со мною брашен: в дому Божии ходихом единомышлением.
15 I desire/hope that my enemies will die suddenly; while they are still young, cause them to go down to the place where the dead people are. They they think evil things. (Sheol h7585)
Да приидет же смерть на ня, и да снидут во ад живи: яко лукавство в жилищих их, посреде их. (Sheol h7585)
16 But I [will] ask Yahweh, [my] God, to help me, and he will save me.
Аз к Богу воззвах, и Господь услыша мя.
17 [Each] morning and [each] noontime and [each] evening I tell him what I am concerned about, and I moan, and he hears my voice.
Вечер и заутра и полудне повем и возвещу, и услышит глас мой.
18 I have [very] many enemies, but he will rescue me and bring me back safely from the battles that I fight.
Избавит миром душу мою от приближающихся мне: яко во мнозе бяху со мною.
19 God is the one who has ruled everything forever, and he will listen to me. He will cause my enemies to be [defeated and] disgraced, because they do not change their evil behavior and they do not revere God.
Услышит Бог, и смирит я сый прежде век: несть бо им изменения, яко не убояшася Бога.
20 My companion, [whom I mentioned previously], betrayed his friends and broke the agreement that he made with them.
Простре руку свою на воздаяние: оскверниша завет Его.
21 What he said was [easy to listen to, like] butter [is easy to swallow] [MET], but in his inner being he hated people; his words were [soothing] like [olive] oil, [but they hurt people like] sharp swords do [MET].
Разделишася от гнева лица Его, и приближишася сердца их: умякнуша словеса их паче елеа, и та суть стрелы.
22 Put your troubles in Yahweh’s hands, and he will take care of you; he will never allow righteous [people] to experience disasters.
Возверзи на Господа печаль твою, и Той тя препитает: не даст в век молвы праведнику.
23 God, you will cause murderers [MTY] and liars to die before they have lived half as long as they expect to live; but [as for me], I will trust in you.
Ты же, Боже, низведеши их в студенец истления: мужие кровей и льсти не преполовят дний своих. Аз же, Господи, уповаю на Тя.

< Psalms 55 >