< Psalms 53 >

1 [Only] foolish people say to themselves, “There is no God!” People who say that are corrupt; they commit terrible sins; there is not one of them who does what is good/right.
Para el músico jefe. Con la melodía de “Mahalath”. Una contemplación de David. El necio ha dicho en su corazón: “No hay Dios”. Son corruptos y han hecho una iniquidad abominable. No hay nadie que haga el bien.
2 God looks down from heaven and sees humans; he looks to see if anyone is [very] wise, with the result that he seeks [to know] God.
Dios mira desde el cielo a los hijos de los hombres, para ver si hay alguno que lo haya entendido, que buscan a Dios.
3 [But] they are all morally corrupt; no one does what is good/right.
Cada uno de ellos ha vuelto. Se han ensuciado juntos. No hay nadie que haga el bien, no, ninguno.
4 Will all these evil people never learn [what God will do to them]? They act violently toward Yahweh’s people while eating the food that he provides, and they never pray to Yahweh.
No tienen conocimiento los obreros de la iniquidad, que se comen a mi pueblo como si fuera pan, y no invocan a Dios?
5 But [some day] those people will become terrified, like they have never been terrified before, because God will cause those who are separated from him to die, and he will [disrespect them by] scattering their bones. They have rejected God, so he will cause them to be [defeated and] completely disgraced.
Allí estaban con gran temor, donde no había temor, porque Dios ha dispersado los huesos del que acampa contra ti. Los has puesto en evidencia, porque Dios los ha rechazado.
6 I wish/desire that someone from Jerusalem [MTY] would come and rescue the Israeli [people]! God, when you bless your people again, [all] the Israeli [people, all the descendants of] Jacob, will rejoice.
¡Ohque la salvación de Israel salga de Sión! Cuando Dios trae de vuelta a su pueblo del cautiverio, entonces Jacob se alegrará, e Israel se alegrará.

< Psalms 53 >