< Psalms 52 >

1 You people [think that you] are strong and brag about the sins that you have committed, while you plan to harm godly people.
(Til sangmesteren. En maskil af David, da edomitten Doeg kom og meldte Saul, at David var gået ind i Ahimeleks hus.) Du stærke, hvi bryster du dig af din Ondskab imod den fromme?
2 All during the day you plan to get rid of [others]; what you say [MTY] [injures others] like a sharp razor [SIM], and you are [always] deceiving [others].
Du pønser hele Dagen på ondt; din Tunge er hvas som en Kniv, du Rænkesmed,
3 You like [doing what is] evil more than you like doing what is good, and you like telling lies more than you like telling the truth.
du foretrækker ondt for godt, Løgn for sanddru Tale. (Sela)
4 You who say things [MTY] to deceive people, you like to say (things that hurt people/cruel things)!
Du elsker al ødelæggende Tale, du falske Tunge!
5 But God will get rid of you forever; he will grab you and drag you from your home and take you away from this world where people are alive.
Derfor styrte Gud dig for evigt, han gribe dig, rive dig ud af dit Telt, han rykke dig op af de levendes Land! (Sela)
6 When righteous [people] see that, they will be awestruck, and they will laugh at [what happened to] you, and say,
De retfærdige ser det, frygter og håner ham leende:
7 “Look [what happened to] the man who would not ask God to protect him; he trusted that his great wealth [would save him]; he trusted in the money that he got by wickedly taking it from others!”
"Se der den Mand, der ej gjorde Gud til sit Værn, men stoled på sin megen Rigdom, trodsede på sin Velstand!"
8 But I am [secure/safe because I worship] in God’s temple; I am like a [strong] green olive tree. I trust in God, who faithfully loves us forever.
Men jeg er som et frodigt Olietræ i Guds Hus, Guds Miskundhed stoler jeg evigt og altid på.
9 God, I will always thank you for the things that you have done. As I stand before godly [people], I will proclaim that you are good (OR, the many good [MTY] [things you have done for us]).
Evindelig takker jeg dig, fordi du greb ind; jeg vidner iblandt dine fromme, at godt er dit Navn.

< Psalms 52 >