< Psalms 51 >
1 O God, be merciful to me, because you love me faithfully; because you are very merciful, erase [the record of] the ways that I disobeyed you!
Til Sangmesteren; en Psalme af David,
2 Make me pure from the wrong things that I have done; make me clean from [the guilt of] my sin.
der Profeten Nathan var kommen til ham, efter at han var gaaet ind til Bathseba.
3 [I say that] because I know the ways that I have disobeyed you; I cannot forget them.
Gud! vær mig naadig efter din Miskundhed, udslet mine Overtrædelser efter din store Barmhjertighed.
4 You, you only, are the one that I have [really] sinned against, and you have seen the evil things that I have done. When you say that I am guilty, you are right/correct, and when you judge me, you justly say [that I deserve to be punished].
To mig vel af min Misgerning og rens mig Ira min Synd;
5 I have been a sinner since the day that I was born; [truly], I have been like that since my mother conceived me.
thi mine Overtrædelser kender jeg, og min Synd er altid for mig.
6 What you desire is that I desire what is true in order that you [can] teach me how to act wisely.
Imod dig, imod dig alene har jeg syndet og gjort det onde for dine Øjne, paa det du skal være retfærdig, naar du taler, være ren, naar du dømmer.
7 Purify me from the guilt of my sins, and [after that happens], I will be clean [in my inner being]; cleanse me, and [then in my inner being] I will be (whiter than snow/very clean).
Se, jeg er født i Skyld, og min Moder har undfanget mig i Synd.
8 Allow/Cause me to be joyful [DOU] again; you have (crushed my spirit/completely discouraged me) [MTY]; [but now] let me rejoice [again].
Se, til Sandhed i det inderste Hjerte har du Lyst; Visdommen i Hjertedybet lære du mig!
9 Do not continue to look at the sins [IDM] that I have committed; erase the record of the evil things that I have done.
Rens mig fra Synd med Isop, saa jeg bliver ren; to mig, saa jeg bliver hvidere end Sne.
10 O God, cause my inner being to be pure. Put new [thoughts] within me and make me faithful again.
Lad mig høre Fryd og Glæde; lad de Ben fryde sig, som du har sønderstødt.
11 Do not send me away from you [because of my sin], and do not take your Holy Spirit from me.
Skjul dit Ansigt for mine Synder og udslet alle mine Misgerninger!
12 Cause/Allow me to be happy again because of [knowing] that you have freed me [from the guilt of my sin], and make me willing [to obey you].
Gud! skab mig et rent Hjerte og forny en stadig Aand inden i mig.
13 If you do that, I will [be able to] teach [other] sinners what you want them to do, and they will repent and begin to obey you.
Bortkast mig ikke fra dit Ansigt og tag ikke din Helligaand fra mig!
14 O God, you are the one who saves me; forgive me for being guilty of causing someone [who was not my enemy] to die. [When you do that], I will sing joyfully about your being very good and righteous.
Giv mig igen at glædes over din Frelse og ophold mig med en villig Aand!
15 O Yahweh, help me to speak [in order that] I may praise you.
Saa vil jeg lære Overtrædere dine Veje, og Syndere skulle omvende sig til dig.
16 You are not pleased [only] with the sacrifices [that people bring to you]. If that were [enough to] please you, I would bring you sacrifices. You are not pleased with burnt offerings [alone].
Fri mig fra Blodskyld, Gud, min Frelses Gud! saa skal min Tunge synge med Fryd om din Retfærdighed.
17 The sacrifice that you [really] want is for people to be truly humble and sorry [for having sinned]; O God, you will not refuse that kind of sacrifice.
Herre! oplad mine Læber, saa skal min Mund kundgøre din Pris.
18 [O God], be good to [the people who live in] Jerusalem [MTY], [and help them] to rebuild the city walls.
Thi du har ikke Lyst til Slagtoffer, ellers vilde jeg give dig det; til Brændoffer har du ikke Behagelighed.
19 When that happens, [they will bring you] the proper sacrifices, animals that they will completely burn, young bulls that they will burn on your altar, and you will be pleased.
Ofre for Gud er en sønderbrudt Aand; et sønderbrudt og sønderstødt Hjerte skal du, o Gud! ikke foragte. Gør vel imod Zion efter din Velbehagelighed, byg Jerusalems Mure, da vil du have Lyst til Retfærdigheds Ofre, Brændofre og Helofre; da skulle de ofre Øksne paa dit Alter.