< Psalms 5 >

1 Yahweh, listen to me while I pray! Pay attention to me when I am groaning [because I am suffering very much].
Načelniku godbe na piščali; psalm Davidov. Besede moje čuj, Gospod; ozri se na premišljevanje moje.
2 You are my King and my God. When I call to you to ask you to help me, listen to me, because you are the one to whom I pray.
Poslušaj vpitja mojega glas, kralj moj in Bog moj: ker pri tebi imam molitev.
3 Listen to me when I pray to you [each] morning, and I wait for you to reply.
Gospod, zgodaj bodeš slišal glas moj; zgodaj bodem govoril pred teboj in čakal.
4 You are not a god who is pleased with wicked people; you do not (associate with/invite into your house) [those who do what is] evil.
Ker ti nisi Bog mogočni, kateri bi se radoval krivice; pred teboj ne bode prebivalo hudo.
5 You do not allow those who are very proud to come to you to worship you. You hate all those who do evil things.
Blazni ne stopajo ti pred óči; sovražiš vse, kateri delajo krivico.
6 You get rid of liars, and you despise those who murder [others] and those who deceive [others].
Pogubiti hočeš nje, ki laž govoré; moža krvoželjnega in zvijačnega studi Gospod.
7 Yahweh, because you love me so much and so faithfully, I come into your temple. I revere you greatly, and I bow down to worship you at your sacred temple.
Jaz pa vnidem obdan z obilnostjo milosti tvoje v hišo tvojo; priklonim se proti hramu svetosti tvoje v svetem strahu tvojem.
8 Yahweh, because you act righteously toward me, show me what is right for me to do. Because I have many enemies, show me clearly what you want me to do.
Gospod, spremljaj me v pravici svoji zavoljo zalezovalcev mojih; pot svojo ugladi pred menoj.
9 My enemies never say what is true; they just want to destroy [others]. The things that they say [MTY] are [as foul as] an open grave [where a corpse is decaying]. They use their tongues to tell lies.
Ker v ustih njihovih ni pravice; notranjost njih: nadloge, grob odprt njih grlo; z jezikom svojim se dobrikajo zvijačno.
10 O God, declare that they are guilty [MTY] [and punish them]. Cause them to experience the same disasters/troubles that they plan to cause to happen to others. Get rid of them because they have committed many sins, and they have rebelled against you.
Pokôri jih, o Bog; izpodleté naj v naklepih svojih; pahni jih dol po obilosti njih pregréh, ker upirajo se zoper tebe.
11 But cause that all those who go to you to be protected will rejoice; cause them to sing joyfully to you forever. Protect those who love you [MTY]; they are truly happy because (of what you [do for them/they belong to] you).
In veselili se bodo vsi, kateri pribegajo k tebi; na veke bodo prepevali, katerim bodeš bramba, in radovali se bodo v tebi ljubitelji tvojega imena.
12 Yahweh, you always bless those who act righteously; you protect them like a [soldier is protected by his] shield [SIM].
Ker ti blagoslavljaš pravičnega, Gospod, delaš, da ga milost krije kakor ščit.

< Psalms 5 >