< Psalms 49 >
1 You people of all ethnic groups, listen! You people all over the world,
Til Sangmesteren; af Koras Børn; en Psalme. Hører dette, alle Folkeslag! vender eders Øren hid, alle Verdens Indbyggere!
2 important people and unimportant people, rich people and poor people, everyone, [listen to what I am saying],
baade ringe og høje, rige og fattige til Hobe!
3 [because] what I am thinking is very sensible, and what I say will enable you to become wise!
Min Mund udtaler Visdom og mit Hjertes Betænkning Forstand.
4 I think about [MTY] (proverbs/wise sayings), and while I play my harp, I explain what they mean.
Jeg vil bøje mit Øre til Ordsprog; jeg vil udlægge min mørke Tale til Harpe.
5 I am not [RHQ] afraid when I am in trouble/danger, when I am surrounded by my enemies,
Hvorfor skulde jeg frygte i de onde Dage, naar mine Efterstræberes Ondskab omgiver mig,
6 by evil men who trust that [things will always go well for them because] they are wealthy, and who boast about being very rich.
de, som forlade sig paa deres Gods og rose sig af deres store Rigdom?
7 [They may be rich], but no one can pay money with the result that he would live forever! No one can pay God enough so that God will allow him [to continue] to live,
Ingen Mand kan dog udløse en Broder, han kan ikke give Gud Løsepenge for ham.
8 because that cost is too great, and he will never be able to pay enough
Thi deres Sjæls Genløsning vil koste meget og maa i Evighed opgives,
9 with the result that he will live forever and never [die and] be buried!
saa at han skulde kunne leve hen bestandig uden at se Graven.
10 We see that foolish and stupid people die, but we see that wise people also die; they all leave their wealth, and others inherit it.
Thi den vil han faa at se; de vise dø, Daaren og den ufornuftige omkomme tilsammen, og de efterlade deres Gods til andre.
11 Those wise people once had [houses on] land that they owned, [but now] their graves are their homes forever, the place where they will stay for all time!
Deres inderste Tanker ere, at deres Huse skulle staa evindelig, deres Boliger fra Slægt til Slægt, de kalde deres Jorder op efter deres Navn.
12 Even if people are great, that cannot prevent them from dying; all people die, the same as animals do.
Dog har et Menneske, som er i Værdighed, ikke Bestand; han bliver lig Dyrene, som udryddes.
13 That is what happens to those who foolishly trust [in what they have accomplished], to those who are delighted in [all] that they possess.
Saa gaar det dem, som ere fulde af Selvtillid; dog love deres Efterkommere det med deres Mund. (Sela)
14 They are certain to die just like sheep, when a shepherd leads them away to be slaughtered. [PRS, MET] In the morning righteous people will rule over them, and then [those wealthy people will die and] their bodies will quickly decay in their graves; they will be where dead people are, far from their homes. (Sheol )
De lægge sig i Dødsriget som Faar, Døden skal fortære dem og de oprigtige skulle regere over dem, naar Morgenen oprinder; og Dødsriget skal afslide deres Skikkelse, saa at den ingen Bolig har mere. (Sheol )
15 But it is certain that God will rescue me so that I am not kept in the place of the dead. (Sheol )
Men Gud skal forløse min Sjæl af Dødsrigets Vold, thi han antager mig. (Sela) (Sheol )
16 [So], do not be dismayed when someone becomes rich and the houses where they live become more and more luxurious,
Frygt ikke, naar en Mand bliver rig, naar hans Hus's Herlighed bliver stor;
17 because when he dies, he will take nothing with him; his wealth will not go with him.
thi han skal slet intet tage med sig, naar han dør, hans Herlighed skal ikke fare ned efter ham.
18 While [a rich person] is alive, he congratulates himself, and people praise him for being successful,
Skønt han velsigner sin Sjæl, medens han lever, og man priser ham, fordi han gør sig til gode:
19 but he will [die], joining his ancestors, who will never see daylight again.
Saa skal han dog komme til sine Fædres Slægt; i Evighed se de ikke Lyset.
20 Even if someone is great, that cannot prevent him from dying; he will die, the same as animals do.
Et Menneske, som er i Værdighed og ikke har Forstand, han bliver lig Dyrene, som udryddes.