< Psalms 48 >

1 Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be greatly praised in the city where he [lives], [which is built on Zion], his sacred hill.
Mikill er Drottinn! Vegsömum hann, já lofum hann! Hann býr á sínu helga fjalli í Jerúsalem.
2 That city, on a high [hill], is beautiful; it is the city where the true [God], the great king, [lives], and it causes people all over the world to rejoice [when they see it].
Fallegt er Síonfjall í norðri. Fjallið sem þjóðin elskar, þar sem konungurinn mikli býr.
3 God is in the strong towers there, and he shows that he protects the people in that city.
Drottinn sjálfur er verndari Jerúsalem.
4 Many kings gathered [with their armies] to attack [that city],
Konungar jarðarinnar sátu þar ráðstefnu. Þeir skoðuðu borgina.
5 but when they saw it, they were amazed; they became terrified, and ran away.
Þeir urðu agndofa, hræddir og flýðu.
6 Because they were very afraid, they trembled like a woman who is about to give birth to a child;
Hátign Jerúsalem skelfdi þá. Þeir urðu magnþrota eins og kona sem fæðir barn!
7 they shook [like] ships sailing from Tarshish are shaken by a strong wind.
Því að með austanvindinum einum tortímir þú heilum her!
8 We had heard [that this city is glorious], and now we have seen that it is. It is the city in which Yahweh, the almighty one, [lives]. It is the city which God will preserve/protect forever.
Dýrð þín, Jerúsalem, er á allra vörum. Þú ert borgin þar sem Guð býr, hann sem ríkir yfir hersveitum himinsins. Við höfum séð hana eigin augum! Guð hefur reist Jerúsalem. Hún mun standa að eilífu.
9 God, [here] in your temple we think about how you faithfully love us.
Drottinn, í musterinu hugleiðum við kærleika þinn.
10 You [MTY] are famous and (are praised/people praise you) all over the earth, because you rule powerfully [MTY] and justly.
Nafn þitt er þekkt um alla jörðina. Þú ert lofaður um víða veröld vegna hjálpræðis þíns. Vegsemd þín breiðist um allan heim því alls staðar framkvæmir þú réttlætisverk.
11 The people who live near Zion Hill should be happy! The people in [all] the cities [MTY] in Judah should rejoice because you judge people fairly.
Gleð þig, Jerúsalem! Gleð þig Júdaættkvísl! Því að Guð mun vissulega láta þig ná rétti þínum.
12 [You Israeli people should] walk around Zion [Hill] and count the towers there;
Komið og skoðið borgina! Gangið um og teljið turnana!
13 notice the walls there and examine the forts in order that you can tell about them to your children.
Lítið á múrinn og sjáið hallirnar og segið komandi kynslóð frá því að slíkur sé Drottinn!
14 [Say to them], “This is [the city that belongs to] our God, [the one who lives] forever; he will guide us all of our lives.”
Hann mun leiða okkur um aldur og ævi.

< Psalms 48 >