< Psalms 45 >

1 In my inner being I am stirred by a beautiful message which will be sung to the king. The words of this message will be written with a pen by me, a skilled writer.
В конец, о изменяемых сыном Кореовым в разум, песнь о возлюбленнем. Отрыгну сердце мое слово благо, глаголю аз дела моя Цареви: язык мой трость книжника скорописца.
2 [O King], you are the most handsome man in the world, and you always speak [MTY] eloquently, because God has always blessed you.
Красен добротою паче сынов человеческих, излияся благодать во устнах Твоих: сего ради благослови Тя Бог во век.
3 You who are a mighty warrior, put on your sword! You are glorious and majestic.
Препояши мечь Твой по бедре Твоей, Сильне,
4 Ride on like a great chief to defend the truth that you speak and the fair decisions that you make! Because you are strong [MTY], you will do awesome deeds.
красотою Твоею и добротою Твоею: и наляцы, и успевай, и царствуй истины ради и кротости и правды: и наставит Тя дивно десница Твоя.
5 Your arrows are sharp, and they pierce the hearts of your enemies. Soldiers of many nations will fall dead at your feet.
Стрелы Твоя изощрены, Сильне: людие под Тобою падут в сердцы враг Царевых.
6 The kingdom [MTY] that God will give to you will remain forever. You rule [MTY] people justly.
Престол Твой, Боже, в век века: жезл правости жезл царствия Твоего.
7 You love right actions, and you hate evil actions. Therefore God, your God, has chosen [MTY] you [to be king] and caused you to be happier [MET] than any other king.
Возлюбил еси правду и возненавидел еси беззаконие: сего ради помаза Тя, Боже, Бог Твой елеем радости паче причастник Твоих.
8 The perfume of various spices is on your robes. [People] (entertain you/make you happy) in ivory palaces by playing stringed instruments.
Смирна и стакти и касиа от риз Твоих, от тяжестей слоновых, из нихже возвеселиша Тя.
9 Among the women who stay near you [EUP] stay are daughters of [other] kings. And at your right hand stands [your bride], the queen, wearing beautiful ornaments of gold that comes from Ophir.
Дщери царей в чести Твоей: предста царица одесную Тебе, в ризах позлащенных одеяна преиспещрена.
10 [Now I will say something] to your bride: Listen to me carefully [DOU]! Forget the people who live in your home country, forget your relatives!
Слыши, дщи, и виждь, и приклони ухо твое, и забуди люди твоя и дом отца твоего:
11 Because you are [very], the king will desire [to sleep with] [EUP] you. He is your master, so you must obey him.
и возжелает Царь доброты твоея, зане Той есть Господь твой, и поклонишися Ему,
12 The people from Tyre [city] will bring gifts to you; their rich people will try to persuade you to do favors for them.
и дщи Тирова с дары: лицу Твоему помолятся богатии людстии.
13 [O king], your bride will be entering the palace wearing beautiful robes made from gold thread.
Вся слава дщере Царевы внутрь: рясны златыми одеяна и преиспещрена.
14 While she is wearing a gown that has many colors, her companions will lead her to you. She will have many other young women who accompany her.
Приведутся Царю девы вслед ея, искренния ея приведутся Тебе:
15 They will be very joyful [DOU] as they are led along to enter your palace.
приведутся в веселии и радовании, введутся в храм Царев.
16 Some day, your sons and your grandsons will become kings, just like your ancestors were. You will enable them to become rulers in many countries [HYP].
Вместо отец Твоих быша сынове Твои: поставиши я князи по всей земли.
17 And as for me, I will enable people in every generation to remember the great things that you [MTY] have done, and people will praise you forever.
Помяну имя Твое во всяком роде и роде: сего ради людие исповедятся Тебе в век и во век века.

< Psalms 45 >