< Psalms 45 >

1 In my inner being I am stirred by a beautiful message which will be sung to the king. The words of this message will be written with a pen by me, a skilled writer.
可拉後裔的訓誨詩,又是愛慕歌,交與伶長。調用百合花。 我心裏湧出美辭; 我論到我為王做的事, 我的舌頭是快手筆。
2 [O King], you are the most handsome man in the world, and you always speak [MTY] eloquently, because God has always blessed you.
你比世人更美; 在你嘴裏滿有恩惠; 所以上帝賜福給你,直到永遠。
3 You who are a mighty warrior, put on your sword! You are glorious and majestic.
大能者啊,願你腰間佩刀, 大有榮耀和威嚴!
4 Ride on like a great chief to defend the truth that you speak and the fair decisions that you make! Because you are strong [MTY], you will do awesome deeds.
為真理、謙卑、公義赫然坐車前往,無不得勝; 你的右手必顯明可畏的事。
5 Your arrows are sharp, and they pierce the hearts of your enemies. Soldiers of many nations will fall dead at your feet.
你的箭鋒快,射中王敵之心; 萬民仆倒在你以下。
6 The kingdom [MTY] that God will give to you will remain forever. You rule [MTY] people justly.
上帝啊,你的寶座是永永遠遠的; 你的國權是正直的。
7 You love right actions, and you hate evil actions. Therefore God, your God, has chosen [MTY] you [to be king] and caused you to be happier [MET] than any other king.
你喜愛公義,恨惡罪惡; 所以上帝-就是你的上帝-用喜樂油膏你, 勝過膏你的同伴。
8 The perfume of various spices is on your robes. [People] (entertain you/make you happy) in ivory palaces by playing stringed instruments.
你的衣服都有沒藥、沉香、肉桂的香氣; 象牙宮中有絲弦樂器的聲音使你歡喜。
9 Among the women who stay near you [EUP] stay are daughters of [other] kings. And at your right hand stands [your bride], the queen, wearing beautiful ornaments of gold that comes from Ophir.
有君王的女兒在你尊貴婦女之中; 王后佩戴俄斐金飾站在你右邊。
10 [Now I will say something] to your bride: Listen to me carefully [DOU]! Forget the people who live in your home country, forget your relatives!
女子啊,你要聽,要想,要側耳而聽! 不要記念你的民和你的父家,
11 Because you are [very], the king will desire [to sleep with] [EUP] you. He is your master, so you must obey him.
王就羨慕你的美貌; 因為他是你的主,你當敬拜他。
12 The people from Tyre [city] will bring gifts to you; their rich people will try to persuade you to do favors for them.
泰爾的民必來送禮; 民中的富足人也必向你求恩。
13 [O king], your bride will be entering the palace wearing beautiful robes made from gold thread.
王女在宮裏極其榮華; 她的衣服是用金線繡的。
14 While she is wearing a gown that has many colors, her companions will lead her to you. She will have many other young women who accompany her.
她要穿錦繡的衣服,被引到王前; 隨從她的陪伴童女也要被帶到你面前。
15 They will be very joyful [DOU] as they are led along to enter your palace.
她們要歡喜快樂被引導; 她們要進入王宮。
16 Some day, your sons and your grandsons will become kings, just like your ancestors were. You will enable them to become rulers in many countries [HYP].
你的子孫要接續你的列祖; 你要立他們在全地作王。
17 And as for me, I will enable people in every generation to remember the great things that you [MTY] have done, and people will praise you forever.
我必叫你的名被萬代記念, 所以萬民要永永遠遠稱謝你。

< Psalms 45 >