< Psalms 43 >

1 God, declare that I (am innocent/have not done things that are wrong). Defend me when (ungodly people/people who do not worship you) say things against me, rescue me from people who deceive and [say things about me that are] not true.
Sé mi juez, oh Dios, y defiende mi causa contra una nación sin religión; O mantenme alejado del hombre falso y malvado.
2 You are God, the one who protects me; (why have you abandoned me?/it seems that you have abandoned me!) [RHQ] It does not seem right that [RHQ] I am forced to mourn/cry constantly because my enemies are cruel to me.
Tú eres el Dios de mi fortaleza; ¿Por qué me has alejado de ti? ¿Por qué voy con pena y oprimido por mis enemigos?
3 Shine your light on me and speak your truth to me; and let them guide me, and take me back to Zion, your sacred hill [at Jerusalem], and to [your temple], where you live.
O envía tu luz y tu palabra verdadera; que sean mi guía; que me lleven a tu santo monte y a tu morada.
4 When you do that, I will go to your altar, to [worship you], my God, who causes me to be extremely joyful. There I will praise you, the God whom I [worship], while I play my harp.
Luego subiré al altar de Dios, al Dios de mi alegría y gozo; Me alegraré y te alabaré con arpa de música, oh Dios, mi Dios.
5 So (why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I confidently expect God [to bless me], and I will praise him again, my God, the one who saves me.
¿Por qué estás abatida, oh alma mía? y porque estas preocupada dentro de mi? pon tu esperanza en Dios, porque nuevamente le daré alabanza, quien es mi salvación mi Dios.

< Psalms 43 >