< Psalms 42 >

1 Deer pant, desiring to drink water from a stream [when there is a drought] (OR, [when they are being pursued by hunters].) In the same way [SIM], God, I need you very much.
Pou direktè koral la. Yon refleksyon pa fis Kore yo. Jan sèf la rale souf ak swaf pou dlo ravin nan, Konsa nanm mwen rale souf pou Ou, O Bondye.
2 I desire to have fellowship with [MET] you, the all-powerful God. [I wonder], “When will I be able to go [back to the temple in Israel] and worship in your presence again?”
Nanm mwen swaf pou Bondye, Pou Bondye vivan an. Se kilè mwen kab vini pou parèt devan Bondye?
3 Every day and every night I cry; [it is as though] the only thing I have to drink is my tears; and while I do that, my enemies are continually asking me, “Why does your god not [help you]?”
Se dlo nan zye m ki manje mwen lajounen kon lannwit. Pandan y ap di m tout lajounen: “Kote Bondye ou a?”
4 I am very distressed [IDM] as I remember when I went with the crowd of people to the temple [in Jerusalem], leading them as we walked along; we were all shouting joyfully and singing to thank God [for what he had done]; we were a large group who were celebrating.
Bagay sa yo mwen sonje e mwen vide nanm mwen nèt anndan m. Paske mwen te konn ale ansanm ak foul la, pou pran devan nan pwosesyon pou rive lakay Bondye, avèk yon vwa lajwa, ak remèsiman, yon gran foul k ap fè fèt sakre a.
5 So [I say to] myself, “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I confidently expect God [to help me], and again I will praise him, my God, the one who saves me.”
Poukisa, o nanm mwen, ou nan dezespwa? Epi poukisa ou twouble anndan m? Mete espwa ou nan Bondye, paske mwen va louwe Li ankò akoz sekou a prezans Li an.
6 [But now, Yahweh], I am very discouraged [IDM], so I think about you, even from where the Jordan [River] gushes out from the bottom of Hermon [Mountain] and from Mizar Mountain.
O Bondye mwen, nanm mwen pèdi espwa anndan mwen. Pou sa, mwen sonje Ou soti nan peyi Jourdain an avèk tèt mòn Hermon yo, soti kanpe nan Mòn Mitsear.
7 But here, the great sorrow that I feel is like water that you send down [MET]; [it is like] a waterfall that tumbles down and floods over me.
Pwofondè a rele pwofondè a nan son kaskad dlo Ou yo. Tout gwo dlo ak move lanmè Ou yo fin koule sou mwen.
8 Yahweh shows me each day that he faithfully loves me, and each night I sing to him and pray to him, the God who causes me to live.
SENYÈ a va òdone lanmou dous Li a nan lajounen, chan Li yo va avèk mwen pandan nwit lan: Yon lapriyè a Bondye lavi mwen an.
9 I say to God, [who is like] an [overhanging] rock [under which I can hide] [MET], “It seems that you have forgotten me. I (mourn/cry) constantly because my enemies act cruelly toward me” [RHQ].
Mwen va di a Bondye, wòch mwen an: “Poukisa Ou te bliye mwen? Poukisa mwen antre nan tristès akoz opresyon lènmi an?”
10 They make fun of me constantly; they continually ask, “Why does your god not help you?” [RHQ] And when they insult me [like that], [it is like] wounds that I feel even in my bones.
Se tankou tout zo mwen yo kraze, jan advèsè mwen yo anmède mwen, pandan y ap di m tout lajounen: “Kote Bondye Ou a”?
11 But [I think, ] “(Why am I sad and discouraged?/I should not be sad and discouraged!) [RHQ] I will confidently expect God [to help me], and I will praise him again, my God, the one who saves me.”
Poukisa ou nan dezespwa, O nanm mwen? Epi poukisa ou vin twouble anndan mwen? Mete espwa ou nan Bondye, paske m ap louwe Li ankò, O soutyen kè mwen an, e Bondye mwen an.

< Psalms 42 >