< Psalms 41 >

1 Yahweh is pleased with those people who help to provide for the poor; he will rescue those people when they have troubles.
Al Músico principal: Salmo de David. BIENAVENTURADO el que piensa en el pobre: en el día malo lo librará Jehová.
2 Yahweh protects them and allows them to live [for a long time]. He enables them to be happy in the land [of Israel], and rescues them from their enemies.
Jehová lo guarde, y le dé vida: sea bienaventurado en la tierra, y no lo entregues á la voluntad de sus enemigos.
3 When they are sick, Yahweh strengthens them, and he heals them.
Jehová lo sustentará sobre el lecho del dolor: mullirás toda su cama en su enfermedad.
4 [When I was sick], I said, “Yahweh, be merciful to me and heal me; [I know that I am sick because] I have sinned against you.”
Yo dije: Jehová, ten misericordia de mí; sana mi alma, porque contra ti he pecado.
5 My enemies say cruel things about me; they say, “How soon will he die, and then everyone will forget about him [MTY]? (OR, he will not have [any descendants to continue] his name).”
Mis enemigos dicen mal de mí [preguntando]: ¿Cuándo morirá, y perecerá su nombre?
6 When my enemies come to me, they falsely say that they [are concerned about me]. They listen to bad news about (me/my health). Then they go away and tell everywhere what is happening to me.
Y si venía á ver[me], hablaba mentira: su corazón se amontonaba iniquidad; y salido fuera, hablába[la].
7 All those who hate me whisper to others about me, and they hope/desire that very bad things will happen to me.
Reunidos murmuraban contra mí todos los que me aborrecían: contra mí pensaban mal, [diciendo de mí]:
8 They say, “He will soon die because of his being sick; he will never get up from his bed [before he dies].”
Cosa pestilencial de él se ha apoderado; y el que cayó en cama, no volverá á levantarse.
9 Even my best friend, whom I trusted very much, who [often] ate with me, has (betrayed me/put me into my enemies’ hands) [IDM].
Aun el hombre de mi paz, en quien yo confiaba, el que de mi pan comía, alzó contra mí el calcañar.
10 But Yahweh, be merciful to me, and enable me to become healthy [again]. When you do that, I will be able to (pay back my enemies/get revenge on my enemies/cause my enemies to suffer like they caused me to suffer).
Mas tú, Jehová, ten misericordia de mí, y hazme levantar, y daréles el pago.
11 [If you enable me to] do that, with the result that my enemies do not defeat me, I will know that you are pleased with me.
En esto habré conocido que te he agradado, que mi enemigo no se holgará de mí.
12 [I will know that] it is because I have done what is right that you have helped me, and [I will know that] you will let me be with you forever.
En cuanto á mí, en mi integridad me has sustentado, y me has hecho estar delante de ti para siempre.
13 Praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship]; Praise him forever! Amen! I desire that it will be so!
Bendito sea Jehová, el Dios de Israel, por siglos de siglos. Amén y Amén.

< Psalms 41 >