< Psalms 41 >

1 Yahweh is pleased with those people who help to provide for the poor; he will rescue those people when they have troubles.
Al maestro de coro. Salmo de David. Dichoso el que sabe comprender al débil y al pobre; en el día aciago Yahvé lo pone a salvo.
2 Yahweh protects them and allows them to live [for a long time]. He enables them to be happy in the land [of Israel], and rescues them from their enemies.
Yahvé cuida de él y lo hace vivir, lo hace próspero sobre la tierra, y no lo entrega a la voluntad de sus enemigos.
3 When they are sick, Yahweh strengthens them, and he heals them.
Yahvé lo conforta en el lecho del dolor, y calma sus padecimientos durante toda su enfermedad.
4 [When I was sick], I said, “Yahweh, be merciful to me and heal me; [I know that I am sick because] I have sinned against you.”
Yo por mi parte digo: “Apiádate de mí, Yahvé, sana mi alma porque pequé contra Ti.”
5 My enemies say cruel things about me; they say, “How soon will he die, and then everyone will forget about him [MTY]? (OR, he will not have [any descendants to continue] his name).”
Mis enemigos hablan de mí con maldad (diciendo): “¿Cuándo morirá y perecerá su nombre?”
6 When my enemies come to me, they falsely say that they [are concerned about me]. They listen to bad news about (me/my health). Then they go away and tell everywhere what is happening to me.
Y el que viene a visitarme habla con falsía; en su interior hace provisión de maledicencia, y entonces sale afuera y la desparrama.
7 All those who hate me whisper to others about me, and they hope/desire that very bad things will happen to me.
Todos los que me odian se juntan para murmurar contra mí; imaginan de mí lo peor:
8 They say, “He will soon die because of his being sick; he will never get up from his bed [before he dies].”
“Le ha sobrevenido una peste maligna; se acostó y no volverá a levantarse.”
9 Even my best friend, whom I trusted very much, who [often] ate with me, has (betrayed me/put me into my enemies’ hands) [IDM].
Hasta mi amigo, de quien me fiaba, que comía mi pan, ha alzado contra mí su calcañar.
10 But Yahweh, be merciful to me, and enable me to become healthy [again]. When you do that, I will be able to (pay back my enemies/get revenge on my enemies/cause my enemies to suffer like they caused me to suffer).
Mas Tú, Yahvé, apiádate de mí; levántame para que les retribuya.
11 [If you enable me to] do that, with the result that my enemies do not defeat me, I will know that you are pleased with me.
En esto conoceré que me amas, si el que me odia no se huelga a costa mía,
12 [I will know that] it is because I have done what is right that you have helped me, and [I will know that] you will let me be with you forever.
y me sustentas en mi integridad, conservándome en tu presencia para siempre.
13 Praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship]; Praise him forever! Amen! I desire that it will be so!
¡Bendito sea Yahvé, Dios de Israel, desde la eternidad y por la eternidad! Amén, Amén.

< Psalms 41 >