< Psalms 40 >

1 I waited patiently for Yahweh [to help me], and he listened to me [DOU] when I called out to him.
(Til sangmesteren. Af David. En salme.) Jeg biede troligt på Herren, han bøjede sig til mig, og hørte mit Skrig.
2 [When I had many troubles, it was as though] I was in a deep pit. But he lifted me up out of the mud and slime of that pit; he set my feet on a [solid] rock, and enabled me to walk (safely/without falling).
Han drog mig op af den brusende Grav, af det skidne Dynd, han satte min Fod på en Klippe, gav Skridtene Fasthed,
3 He has given me a new song to sing, a song to praise him who is our God. Many people will find out [what he has done for me], and they will revere and trust him.
en ny Sang lagde han i min Mund, en Lovsang til vor Gud. Mange skal se det og frygte og stole på HERREN.
4 Yahweh is pleased with those who trust him, those who do not trust in idols or join with those who worship those false gods.
Salig den Mand, der sætter sin Lid til HERREN, ej vender sig til hovmodige eller dem, der hælder til Løgn.
5 O Yahweh, my God, you have done many wonderful things! No one can list all the wonderful things that you have planned for us. If I tried to tell [others] about all those wonderful things, I would not be able to, because there would be too many for me to mention.
Mange Undere gjorde du, HERRE min Gud, og mange Tanker tænkte du for os; de kan ikke opregnes for dig; ellers forkyndte og fortalte jeg dem; til at tælles er de for mange.
6 Various kinds of sacrifices and other offerings are not the [only] things that delight you. You have enabled me to understand that very well [IDM]. [Animals] burned [on the altar] and [other] offerings are not all that you require [for sins to be forgiven].
Til Slagt- og Afgrødeoffer har du ej Lyst, du gav mig åbne Ører, Brænd- og Syndoffer kræver du ikke.
7 So I said [to you], “Yahweh, here I am, [to do] the things that have been written in the scroll [that contains your laws], things that you want me [to do].”
Da sagde jeg: "Se, jeg kommer, i Bogrullen er der givet mig Forskrift;
8 O my God, I delight to do what you desire; I [keep] your laws within my inner being.
at gøre din Vilje, min Gud, er min Lyst, og din Lov er i mit Indre."
9 Whenever all [your people] are gathered, I have told them about how you save us. Yahweh, you know that I have not been afraid to tell that to them.
I en stor Forsamling forkyndte jeg Retfærd, se, mine Læber lukked jeg ikke; HERRE, du ved det.
10 And I have not kept to myself the news that you always act justly/fairly; when many of your people have gathered together [to worship you in the temple], I have told them that you are faithful to us and save us. I have (not concealed/openly told people) that you faithfully love us and act loyally toward us.
Din Retfærd dulgte jeg ej i mit Hjerte, din Trofasthed og Frelse talte jeg Om, din Nåde og Sandhed fornægted jeg ej i en stor Forsamling.
11 Yahweh, do not stop being merciful to me. Because you faithfully love [me] [PRS] and are loyal [to me], always protect me.
Du, HERRE, vil ikke lukke dit Hjerte for mig, din Nåde og Sandhed skal altid være mit Værn.
12 I have many troubles; [so many that] I cannot count them. My sins are like a flood that has covered me [PRS, MET]; [they are so many that] I cannot find my way. The sins that I have committed are more than the hairs on my head. I am very discouraged.
Thi Ulykker lejrer sig om mig i talløs Mængde, mine Synder har indhentet mig, så jeg ikke kan se, de er flere end Hovedets Hår, og Modet har svigtet.
13 O Yahweh, please save me! Come quickly to help me!
Du værdiges, HERRE, at fri mig, HERRE, il mig til Hjælp.
14 Humble those who are happy about my troubles, and cause them to be disgraced and ashamed. Chase away those who are trying to get rid of me.
Lad dem beskæmmes og rødme, som vil mig til Livs, og de, der ønsker mig ondt, lad dem vige med Skændsel;
15 I hope/desire that those who make fun of me will be dismayed when you defeat them.
Lad dem stivne af Rædsel ved deres Skam, de, som siger: "Ha, ha!" til mig!
16 But I hope that all those who go to [worship] you will be very joyful [DOU]. I want those who love you because you saved them to shout repeatedly, “Yahweh is great!”
Lad alle, som søger dig, frydes og glædes i dig; lad dem, som elsker din Frelse, bestandig sige: "HERREN er stor!"
17 As for me, I am poor and needy [DOU]; but [I know that] Yahweh has not forgotten me. O my God, you are the one who saves and helps me, so please come quickly [and help me!]
Er jeg end arm og fattig, vil Herren dog tænke på mig. Du er min Hjælp og min Frelser; tøv ej, min Gud!

< Psalms 40 >