< Psalms 38 >

1 Yahweh, when you are angry [with me], do not rebuke/scold me and punish me!
Psalm Davidov za spomin. Gospod, v srdu svojem ne dólži me, in v togoti svoji ne pokôri me.
2 [Now it is as though] you have shot your arrows at me and wounded me; you have struck me and knocked me down.
Ker pušice tvoje so zasajene v mé, in nadme si spustil roko svojo.
3 Because you have been angry with me, I am suffering great pain. Because of my sin, my whole body is diseased.
Nič celega ni na mesu mojem zavoljo srdú tvojega; mirú ni v mojih kostéh zavoljo greha mojega.
4 All my sins are [like a flood] that covers my head; they are like a load that is very heavy, with the result that I cannot carry it.
Ker krivice moje presezajo glavo mojo, kakor težko breme; pretežke so, da bi jih prenašati mogel.
5 Because I have done foolish things, I have sores that have become worse, and they stink.
Segnjile so in usmradile se bule moje, zavoljo nespameti moje.
6 [Sometimes] I am bent over, and [sometimes] I lie prostrate; I am sad/cry all day.
Mučim se, krivim se presilno, ves dan pohajam v črni obleki.
7 My body is burning with fever, and I am very ill.
Ker drob moj je poln prisada, tako da ni nič celega na mesu mojem.
8 I am completely exhausted, and I have no strength. I am very distressed, and I groan with pain.
Oslabljen sem in potrt presilno; tulim od stokanja svojega srca.
9 Yahweh, you know that I desire [to be healed]; you hear me while I am groaning.
Gospod, pred teboj je vse hrepenenje moje; in zdihovanje ni ti skrito.
10 My heat is pounding heavily, and all my strength is gone. I am no longer able to see well.
Srce moje utriplje, zapušča me moja krepost, in luč mojih očî, tudi one niso v moji oblasti.
11 My friends and neighbors stay away from me because of my sores; even my own family stays away from me.
Prijátelji moji in bližnji moji stojé nadlogi moji nasproti, in sorodniki moji stojé od daleč.
12 And those who want to kill me set traps to catch me; those who want to harm me discuss ways to get rid of me; they plot against me all day.
Stavijo pa zanke, kateri iščejo duše moje: in kateri iščejo hudega meni, govoré nadloge in izmišljajo ves dan zvijače.
13 Now I act like I’m deaf, and do not listen [to what they say]. I act like I cannot talk, so I say nothing [to reply to them].
Jaz pa jih ne slišim kakor gluh, in kakor nem ne odprem svojih ust.
14 I act like a man who does not answer [when people talk to him], because he cannot hear anything.
Ampak sem kakor ón, ki ne sliši, in kateremu ní dokazov v ustih.
15 But Yahweh, I trust in you. My Lord God, you will answer me.
Ker tebe čakam, Gospod; da me ti uslišiš, Gospod, Bog moj.
16 I said to you, “Do not cause [me to die, with the result that] my enemies will rejoice! Do not cause me to stumble, with the result that they will be very happy!”
Ker pravim: Naj se ne radujejo nad menoj; ko omahuje noga moja, naj se ne povzdigujejo proti meni,
17 I say that because I am about to fall down, and I constantly have pain.
Ako bodem jaz za omahnenje pripravljen, in bolečina moja bode vedno pred mano.
18 I confess the wrong things that I have done; I am [very] sorry for the sins that I have committed.
Ker krivico svojo oznanjam, skrbi me moj greh.
19 My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many people who hate me for no reason.
Neprijatelji pa moji krepčajo se živi, in množijo se, kateri me sovražijo iz krivih vzrokov.
20 Those who do evil things to me in return for my doing good things to them oppose me because I try to do what is right.
In vračajoč hudo za dobro nasprotujejo mi, zato ker hodim za dobrim.
21 Yahweh, do not abandon me! My God, do not stay far from me!
Ne zapústi me, Gospod, Bog moj; ne bivaj daleč od mene.
22 Lord, you are the one who saves/rescues me; Quickly [come and] help me!
Hiti na pomoč mojo, Gospod, blaginja moja!

< Psalms 38 >