< Psalms 38 >

1 Yahweh, when you are angry [with me], do not rebuke/scold me and punish me!
Zabura ta Dawuda. Roƙo ne. Ya Ubangiji, kada ka tsawata mini cikin fushinka ko ka hore ni cikin hasalarka.
2 [Now it is as though] you have shot your arrows at me and wounded me; you have struck me and knocked me down.
Gama kibiyoyinka sun soke ni, hannunka kuma ya fāɗo a kaina.
3 Because you have been angry with me, I am suffering great pain. Because of my sin, my whole body is diseased.
Saboda hasalarka babu lafiya a jikina; ƙasusuwana ba lafiya saboda zunubina.
4 All my sins are [like a flood] that covers my head; they are like a load that is very heavy, with the result that I cannot carry it.
Laifofina sun mamaye ni kamar nauyin da ya sha ƙarfin ɗauka.
5 Because I have done foolish things, I have sores that have become worse, and they stink.
Miyakuna sun ruɓe suna kuma wari saboda wawancina na zunubi.
6 [Sometimes] I am bent over, and [sometimes] I lie prostrate; I am sad/cry all day.
An tanƙware ni aka kuma ƙasƙantar da ni; dukan yini ina ta kuka.
7 My body is burning with fever, and I am very ill.
Bayana yana fama da zazzaɓi; babu lafiya a jikina.
8 I am completely exhausted, and I have no strength. I am very distressed, and I groan with pain.
Na gaji sharkaf an kuma ragargaza ni; ina nishi da wahala a cikin zuciyata.
9 Yahweh, you know that I desire [to be healed]; you hear me while I am groaning.
Dukan bukatata tana a shimfiɗe a gabanka, ya Ubangiji; ajiyar zuciyata ba ta ɓoyuwa daga gare ka.
10 My heat is pounding heavily, and all my strength is gone. I am no longer able to see well.
Zuciyata na bugu, ƙarfina kuma ya ƙare, har ma haske ya rabu da idanuna.
11 My friends and neighbors stay away from me because of my sores; even my own family stays away from me.
Abokaina da maƙwabtana sun guje ni saboda miyakuna; maƙwabtana ba sa zuwa kusa.
12 And those who want to kill me set traps to catch me; those who want to harm me discuss ways to get rid of me; they plot against me all day.
Waɗanda suke neman raina sun sa tarkonsu, waɗanda suke so su cuce ni suna zance lalatar da ni; yini sukutum suna ƙulla mini maƙarƙashiya.
13 Now I act like I’m deaf, and do not listen [to what they say]. I act like I cannot talk, so I say nothing [to reply to them].
Ni kamar kurma ne, wanda ba ya ji, kamar bebe, wanda ba ya iya buɗe bakinsa.
14 I act like a man who does not answer [when people talk to him], because he cannot hear anything.
Na zama kamar mutumin da ba ya ji, wanda bakinsa ba ya iya ba da amsa.
15 But Yahweh, I trust in you. My Lord God, you will answer me.
Na dogara gare ka, ya Ubangiji; za ka amsa, ya Ubangiji Allahna.
16 I said to you, “Do not cause [me to die, with the result that] my enemies will rejoice! Do not cause me to stumble, with the result that they will be very happy!”
Gama na ce, “Kada ka bar su su yi farin ciki a kaina ko su yi kirari a kaina sa’ad da ƙafata ta yi santsi.”
17 I say that because I am about to fall down, and I constantly have pain.
Gama ina gab da fāɗuwa, kuma cikin azaba nake kullum.
18 I confess the wrong things that I have done; I am [very] sorry for the sins that I have committed.
Na furta laifina; na damu da zunubina.
19 My enemies are healthy and strong; there are many people who hate me for no reason.
Da yawa ne masu gāba da ni da ƙarfi; waɗanda suke kina ba dalili sun yi yawa.
20 Those who do evil things to me in return for my doing good things to them oppose me because I try to do what is right.
Waɗanda suke sāka alherina da mugunta, suna cin zarafina sa’ad da nake bin abin da yake daidai.
21 Yahweh, do not abandon me! My God, do not stay far from me!
Ya Ubangiji, kada ka yashe ni; kada ka yi nesa da ni, ya Allahna.
22 Lord, you are the one who saves/rescues me; Quickly [come and] help me!
Zo da sauri ka taimake ni, Ya Ubangiji Mai Cetona.

< Psalms 38 >