< Psalms 37 >

1 Do not be bothered/upset by what wicked [people do]. Do not desire to have the things that people who do wrong/evil have,
惡をなすものの故をもて心をなやめ 不義をおこなふ者にむかひて嫉をおこすなかれ
2 because they will soon disappear, like grass withers [in the hot sun] and dries up. Just like some green plants [come up but] die [during the hot summer], evil people will soon die also.
3 Trust in Yahweh, and do what is good; if you do that, you will live safely in the land [that he has given you], and you will live peacefully [MET].
ヱホバによりたのみて善をおこなへ この國にとどまり眞實をもて糧とせよ
4 Be delighted with all that Yahweh [does for you]; if you do that, he will give you the things that you desire most.
ヱホバによりて歓喜をなせ ヱホバはなんぢが心のねがひを汝にあたへたまはん
5 Commit to Yahweh all the things that you plan to do; trust in him, and he will do [whatever is needed to help you].
なんぢの途をヱホバにゆだねよ 彼によりたのまば之をなしとげ
6 He will show [as clearly] as the sunlight that you (are innocent/have done nothing that is wrong); he will show [as clearly] as [the sun at] noontime [SIM] that all the things that you have decided are just.
7 Be quiet in Yahweh’s presence, and wait patiently for him [to do what you want him to do]. Do not be bothered/upset when what evil men do is successful, when they are able to do the wicked things that they plan.
なんぢヱホバのまへに口をつぐみ忍びてこれを俟望め おのが途をあゆみて榮るものの故をもて あしき謀略をとぐる人の故をもて心をなやむるなかれ
8 Do not be angry [about what wicked people do]. Do not want to punish them yourself. Do not be envious of such people because you will only harm [yourself if you try to envy them].
怒をやめ忿恚をすてよ 心をなやむるなかれ これ惡をおこなふ方にうつらん
9 [Some day Yahweh] will get rid of wicked people, but those who trust in Yahweh will live [safely] in the land [that he has given to them].
そは惡をおこなふものは斷滅され ヱホバを俟望むものは國をつぐべければなり
10 Soon the wicked will disappear. If you look for them, they will be gone.
あしきものは久しからずしてうせん なんぢ細密にその處をおもひみるともあることなからん
11 But those who are humble will live safely in their land. They will happily enjoy living peacefully and having the other good things [that Yahweh gives them].
されど謙だるものは國をつぎ また平安のゆたかなるを樂まん
12 Wicked people plan to harm righteous/godly people; they snarl at them [MET] [like wild animals].
13 But Yahweh laughs [at them] because he knows that some day [MTY] [he will judge and punish] the wicked people.
主はあしきものを笑ひたまはん かれが日のきたるを見たまへばなり
14 Wicked people pull out their swords/daggers and they put strings on their bows, ready to kill people who are poor [DOU] and to slaughter those who live righteously.
15 But they will be killed by their own swords/daggers, and their bows will be broken.
16 It is good to be righteous/godly even if you do not have many possessions, but it is bad to be wicked, even if you are very wealthy,
17 because [Yahweh] will completely take away the strength of wicked people, but he will (sustain/take care of) people who live righteously.
18 Every day Yahweh cares about those who have not done any evil things; the things that Yahweh gives them will last forever.
ヱホバは完全もののもろもろの日をしりたまふ かれらの嗣業はかぎりなく久しからん
19 They will survive when calamities occur; when there are famines, they will still have plenty to eat.
20 But wicked people will die; [just] like the beautiful wild flowers in the fields [die under the hot sun] and disappear like smoke [MET], Yahweh [will cause] his enemies to suddenly disappear.
21 The wicked people borrow [money], but they are not able to repay it; righteous/godly people, [in contrast, have enough money that] they can give generously [to others].
あしき者はものかりて償はず 義きものは惠ありて施しあたふ
22 Those whom Yahweh has blessed will live safely in the land that he has given to them, but he will get rid of those people whom he has cursed.
神のことほぎたまふ人は國をつぎ 神ののろひたまふ人は斷滅さるべし
23 Yahweh protects those who do what is pleasing to him, and he will enable them to walk confidently, wherever they go;
人のあゆみはヱホバによりて定めらる そのゆく途をヱホバよろこびたまへり
24 even if they stumble, they will not fall down, because Yahweh holds them by his hand.
縦ひその人たふるることありとも全くうちふせらるることなし ヱホバかれが手をたすけ支へたまへばなり
25 I was young [previously], and now I am an old man, but [in all those years], I have never seen righteous/godly people being abandoned by Yahweh, nor have I seen that their children [needed to] beg for food.
われむかし年わかくして今おいたれど 義者のすてられ或はその裔の糧こひありくを見しことなし
26 Righteous/Godly people are generous, and happily lend [money to others], and their children are a blessing to them.
ただしきものは終日めぐみありて貸あたふ その裔はさいはひなり
27 Turn away from [doing] evil, and do what is good. If you do that, you [and your descendants] will live in your land forever.
惡をはなれて善をなせ 然ばなんぢの住居とこしへならん
28 [That will happen] because Yahweh likes to see people doing what is just, and he will never forsake righteous/godly people. He will protect them forever; but he will get rid of the children of wicked people.
ヱホバは公平をこのみ その聖徒をすてたまはざればなり かれらは永遠にまもりたすけらるれど惡きもののすゑは斷滅さるべし
29 Righteous/Godly people will own the land [that Yahweh promised to give to them], and they will live there forever.
ただしきものは國をつぎ その中にすまひてとこしへに及ばん
30 Righteous people give wise [advice to others], and they [MTY] say what is just/fair.
ただしきものの口は智慧をかたり その舌は公平をのぶ
31 They continually think about God’s laws; they do not stray from [God’s] path.
かれが神の法はそのこころにあり そのあゆみは一歩だにすべることあらじ
32 Those who are evil wait in ambush for righteous people in order to kill them [as they walk by].
33 But Yahweh will not abandon righteous people, and allow (them to fall into their enemies’ hands/their enemies harm them). And he will not allow righteous people to be condemned when someone takes them to a judge [to be put on trial].
ヱホバは義者をあしきものの手にのこしおきたまはず 審判のときに罰ひたまふことなし
34 Be patient and trust that Yahweh [will help you], and (walk on his paths/do what he wants you to do). [If you do that], he will honor you by giving you the land [that he promised], and when he gets rid of the wicked, you will see it happen.
ヱホバを俟望みてその途をまもれ さらば汝をあげて國をつがせたまはん なんぢ惡者のたちほろぼさるる時にこれをみん
35 I have seen that wicked people who (act like tyrants/terrify people) [sometimes] prosper, like trees that grow well in fertile soil,
36 when I looked [later], they were gone! I searched for them, but [Yahweh had caused] them to disappear.
然れどもかれは逝ゆけり 視よたちまちに無なりぬ われ之をたづねしかど邁ことをえざりき
37 Notice the people who have not done evil things, those who act righteously: their descendants will have peace in their inner beings.
完人に目をそそぎ直人をみよ 和平なる人には後あれど
38 But Yahweh will get rid of the wicked; he will also get rid of their descendants (OR, as a result, they will not have any descendants).
39 Yahweh rescues righteous people; in times of trouble he protects them [MET].
ただしきものの救はヱホバよりいづ ヱホバはかれらが辛苦のときの保砦なり
40 Yahweh helps them and saves them; he rescues them from [being attacked/harmed by] wicked people because they go to him to be protected [MET].
ヱホバはかれらを助け かれらを解脱ちたまふ ヱホバはかれらを惡者よりときはなちて救ひたまふ かれらはヱホバをその避所とすればなり

< Psalms 37 >