< Psalms 36 >
1 [Wicked people continually desire to] sin. They consider [IDM] that they do not need to revere God.
Untuk pemimpin biduan. Dari hamba TUHAN, dari Daud. Dosa bertutur di lubuk hati orang fasik; rasa takut kepada Allah tidak ada pada orang itu,
2 Because they are very proud, they do not think that God will discover their sins and condemn them (OR, they do not think about their sins and hate themselves for it).
sebab ia membujuk dirinya, sampai orang mendapati kesalahannya dan membencinya.
3 [Everything] that they say is deceitful and full of lies; they no longer do what is good and are no longer wise.
Perkataan dari mulutnya ialah kejahatan dan tipu daya, ia berhenti berlaku bijaksana dan berbuat baik.
4 While they are lying on their beds, they plan to do things to harm [others]; they are determined to do things that are not good, and they never refuse [to do what is] evil.
Kejahatan dirancangkannya di tempat tidurnya, ia menempatkan dirinya di jalan yang tidak baik; apa yang jahat tidak ditolaknya.
5 Yahweh, your faithful love for us reaches as high as the heavens, you faithfully [do what you have promised]; [it is as though your doing that] extends up to the clouds.
Ya TUHAN, kasih-Mu sampai ke langit, setia-Mu sampai ke awan.
6 Your righteous behavior is [as permanent as] the highest mountains [MET], your acting justly [will continue as long as] the deepest oceans [exist]. You take care of people and you take care of animals.
Keadilan-Mu adalah seperti gunung-gunung Allah, hukum-Mu bagaikan samudera raya yang hebat. Manusia dan hewan Kauselamatkan, ya TUHAN.
7 God, your faithful love for us is very precious. You protect us like birds protect their baby birds under their wings [MET].
Betapa berharganya kasih setia-Mu, ya Allah! Anak-anak manusia berlindung dalam naungan sayap-Mu.
8 You provide for us plenty of food from the abundant supply [IDM] that you have; your great blessings for us [flow] like a river.
Mereka mengenyangkan dirinya dengan lemak di rumah-Mu; Engkau memberi mereka minum dari sungai kesenangan-Mu.
9 You are the one who causes everything to live; your light is what enables us to see.
Sebab pada-Mu ada sumber hayat, di dalam terang-Mu kami melihat terang.
10 Continue to faithfully love those who have experienced a relationship with you, and bless those who act righteously/justly.
Lanjutkanlah kasih setia-Mu bagi orang yang mengenal Engkau, dan keadilan-Mu bagi orang yang tulus hati!
11 Do not allow proud people [SYN] to attack me, or allow wicked people to chase me away.
Janganlah kiranya kaki orang-orang congkak menginjak aku, dan tangan orang fasik mengusir aku.
12 Look where evil people have fallen on the ground, defeated; they were thrown down, and they will never rise again.
Lihat, orang-orang yang melakukan kejahatan itu jatuh; mereka dibanting dan tidak dapat bangun lagi.