< Psalms 33 >

1 You righteous people should sing joyfully to Yahweh because that is what he deserves.
Psalmus David. [Exsultate, justi, in Domino; rectos decet collaudatio.
2 Praise Yahweh as you play songs on the lyre/harp. Praise him as you play [other] instruments that have many strings.
Confitemini Domino in cithara; in psalterio decem chordarum psallite illi.
3 Sing a new song to him; Play those instruments well, and shout joyfully as you play them!
Cantate ei canticum novum; bene psallite ei in vociferatione.
4 Yahweh always does what he says that he will do; we can trust that everything that he does is right.
Quia rectum est verbum Domini, et omnia opera ejus in fide.
5 He loves everything that we do that is just and right. People all over the earth can know that Yahweh faithfully loves us.
Diligit misericordiam et judicium; misericordia Domini plena est terra.
6 Yahweh created everything in the sky by commanding it. By what he said [MTY] he created all the stars.
Verbo Domini cæli firmati sunt, et spiritu oris ejus omnis virtus eorum.
7 He gathered all the water into one huge mass like [someone scoops liquid] into a container.
Congregans sicut in utre aquas maris; ponens in thesauris abyssos.
8 Everyone on the earth should revere Yahweh [DOU].
Timeat Dominum omnis terra; ab eo autem commoveantur omnes inhabitantes orbem.
9 When he spoke, the world (was created/started to exist). Everything started to exist as a result of him commanding it.
Quoniam ipse dixit, et facta sunt; ipse mandavit et creata sunt.
10 Yahweh frustrates the things that the [pagan] nations decide to do. He prevents them from doing the [evil] things that they plan to do.
Dominus dissipat consilia gentium; reprobat autem cogitationes populorum, et reprobat consilia principum.
11 But what Yahweh decides to do will last forever. What he plans to do will never be changed.
Consilium autem Domini in æternum manet; cogitationes cordis ejus in generatione et generationem.
12 Yahweh blesses those nations who choose him to be their God; He is pleased with those whom he has chosen to receive what he has promised.
Beata gens cujus est Dominus Deus ejus; populus quem elegit in hæreditatem sibi.
13 Yahweh looks down from heaven and sees all us people;
De cælo respexit Dominus; vidit omnes filios hominum.
14 from where he rules [MTY], he looks down on all the people who live on the earth.
De præparato habitaculo suo respexit super omnes qui habitant terram:
15 He formed our inner beings, and he sees everything that we do.
qui finxit sigillatim corda eorum; qui intelligit omnia opera eorum.
16 It is not because a king has a great army that he is able to win [battles], and it is not because a soldier is very strong that he is able to defeat [his enemy].
Non salvatur rex per multam virtutem, et gigas non salvabitur in multitudine virtutis suæ.
17 It is foolish to trust that because horses are very strong that they will able to win a battle and save their riders.
Fallax equus ad salutem; in abundantia autem virtutis suæ non salvabitur.
18 Do not forget that Yahweh watches over those who revere him, those who confidently expect him to faithfully love them.
Ecce oculi Domini super metuentes eum, et in eis qui sperant super misericordia ejus:
19 He saves them [SYN] from dying [before they should die] and preserves them when there is a famine.
ut eruat a morte animas eorum, et alat eos in fame.
20 We trust that Yahweh will help us; he protects us like a shield protects a soldier [MET].
Anima nostra sustinet Dominum, quoniam adjutor et protector noster est.
21 We rejoice because of what he [has done for us]; we trust in him because he [MTY] is holy.
Quia in eo lætabitur cor nostrum, et in nomine sancto ejus speravimus.
22 Yahweh, we pray that you will always faithfully love us while we confidently expect you [to do great things for us].
Fiat misericordia tua, Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te.]

< Psalms 33 >