< Psalms 32 >

1 Those whom God has forgiven for rebelling against him, whose stains [MET] of sin have been wiped away, are truly blessed [by God]!
Eine Unterweisung. Von David. Wohl dem, dessen Missetat vergeben, dessen Sünde bedeckt ist!
2 Those whose record of their sins Yahweh has erased, those who no longer do deceitful things, are [truly] blessed [by God]!
Wohl dem Menschen, dem der HERR keine Schuld anrechnet und in dessen Geist keine Falschheit ist!
3 When I did not confess my sins, (my body/I) was very weak and sick, and I groaned (all day long/continually).
Als ich es verschweigen wollte, verschmachteten meine Gebeine durch mein täglich Heulen.
4 Day and night, [Yahweh], you [SYN] punished me severely. My strength drained away like [water that] ([evaporates/dries up]) on a hot summer [day].
Denn deine Hand lag Tag und Nacht schwer auf mir, daß mein Saft vertrocknete, wie es im Sommer dürre wird. (Pause)
5 [Then/Finally] I admitted/confessed my sins to you; I stopped trying to hide them. (Think about that!) I said [to myself], “I will confess to Yahweh the wrong things that I have done.” And [when I confessed them], you forgave me, so now I (am no longer guilty/will no longer be punished) for my sins.
Da bekannte ich dir meine Sünde und verhehlte meine Missetat nicht; ich sprach: «Ich will dem HERRN meine Übertretung bekennen!» Da vergabst du mir meine Sündenschuld! (Pause)
6 Therefore, the people who are godly should pray to you [when they] (realize that they have sinned/have difficulties). If they pray to you, [difficulties] [MET] will not overwhelm them [like] a great flood.
Darum möge jeder Fromme dich bitten zur Zeit, da es zu erlangen ist; denn bei großer Wasserflut gelangt man nicht mehr dazu.
7 You are [like] a place where I can hide [from my enemies] [MET], you protect me from troubles, and you (enable me/[put people around me who will enable me]) to shout, praising you for saving me [from my enemies].
Du bist mein Schirm, du wollest mich vor Gefahr behüten, mit Rettungsjubel mich umgeben! (Pause)
8 [Yahweh says], “I will teach you about how you should conduct your life. I will instruct you and watch over you.
Ich will dich unterweisen und dir den Weg zeigen, den du wandeln sollst; ich will dich beraten, mein Auge auf dich [richtend].
9 Do not be stupid like horses and mules that do not have understanding; they need (bits/pieces of metal put in their mouths) and (bridles/ropes fastened to their head) so they will go in the direction you want them to go.”
Seid nicht wie Rosse und Maultiere, ohne Verstand, welchen man Zaum und Gebiß anlegen muß, da sie sonst nicht zu dir nahen!
10 Wicked people will have many [troubles that will make them] sad, but those who trust in Yahweh will experience him faithfully loving them all the time.
Der Gottlose hat viele Plagen; wer aber dem HERRN vertraut, den wird die Güte umfangen.
11 [So, all] you righteous people, rejoice about what Yahweh [has done for you]; you whose (inner beings/lives) are pure, be glad and shout joyfully!
Freuet euch des HERRN und seid fröhlich, ihr Gerechten, und jubelt alle, die ihr aufrichtigen Herzens seid!

< Psalms 32 >