< Psalms 29 >
1 You angels in heaven, praise Yahweh! Praise him because he is very glorious and powerful.
Giver Herren, I Guds Børn! giver Herren Ære og Styrke.
2 Proclaim that (he/his name) is glorious; bow down before Yahweh in his holy [temple].
Giver Herren hans Navns Ære, tilbeder for Herren i hellig Prydelse.
3 Yahweh’s voice is heard above the oceans; Yahweh, the glorious God, thunders. His voice thunders over the huge oceans [DOU].
Herrens Røst er over Vandene; Ærens Gud tordner; Herren er over de store Vande.
4 His voice is powerful and majestic.
Herrens Røst er med Kraft; Herrens Røst er med Herlighed.
5 The sound of Yahweh’s voice breaks great cedar trees, the cedars that grow in Lebanon.
Herrens Røst sønderbryder Cedre, og Herren har sønderbrudt Libanons Cedre.
6 He causes [the mountains in] Lebanon to jump like calves jump, and causes Hermon [Mountain] to jump like a young bull jumps.
Og han gør, at de springe som en Kalv, Libanon og Sirjon som en ung Enhjørning.
7 Yahweh’s voice causes lightning to flash.
Herrens Røst slaar ned med Ildsluer.
8 His voice causes the desert to shake; he shakes Kadesh Desert [in the southern part of Judah].
Herrens Røst gør, at Ørken bæver; Herren gør, at Kades's Ørk bæver.
9 Yahweh’s voice shakes the huge oak trees and strips the leaves from the trees while the people in the temple shout, “Praise [God]!”
Herrens Røst bringer Hinder til at føde og blotter Skovene; men i hans Tempel siger enhver: „Ære!”
10 Yahweh ruled over the flood [that covered the earth]; he is our King who will rule forever.
Herren har siddet ved Syndfloden, og Herren sidder, en Konge evindelig.
11 Yahweh enables his people to be strong, and he blesses them by causing things to go well for them.
Herren skal give sit Folk Kraft; Herren skal velsigne sit Folk i Freden.