< Psalms 28 >

1 Yahweh, I call out to you; [you are like an overhanging] rock [under which I can hide]. Do not refuse to answer me, because if you are silent, I will soon be with those who are in their graves.
К Тебе, Господи, воззову, Боже мой: да не премолчиши от мене: да не когда премолчиши от мене, и уподоблюся низходящым в ров.
2 Listen to me when I call out for you [to help me], when I pray, lifting up my hands as I face your sacred temple.
Услыши, Господи, глас моления моего, внегда молитимися к Тебе, внегда воздети ми руце мои ко храму святому Твоему.
3 Do not drag me away with wicked people, with those who do wicked deeds, with those who pretend [to act] peacefully toward others while in their inner beings, they hate them.
Не привлецы мене со грешники, и с делающими неправду не погуби мене, глаголющими мир с ближними своими, злая же в сердцах своих.
4 Punish those people in the way that they deserve for what they have done; punish them for their evil deeds [DOU].
Даждь им, Господи, по делом их и по лукавству начинаний их, по делом руку их даждь им, воздаждь воздаяние их им.
5 Yahweh, they do not pay attention to the [wonderful] things that you have done and that you have created; so get rid of them permanently and do not let them appear again!
Яко не разумеша в дела Господня и в дела руку Его: разориши я и не созиждеши я.
6 Praise Yahweh because he has heard me when I called out for him to help me!
Благословен Господь, яко услыша глас моления моего.
7 Yahweh makes me strong and [protects] me [like a shield] [MET]; I trusted in him, and he helped me. I was glad, and from my inner being I praised him as I sang to him.
Господь помощник мой и защититель мой: на Него упова сердце мое, и поможе ми, и процвете плоть моя: и волею моею исповемся Ему.
8 Yahweh causes us to be strong and protects us; and he saves me, the one he appointed [MTY] to be king.
Господь утверждение людий Своих и защититель спасений Христа Своего есть.
9 Yahweh, save/rescue your people; bless those who belong to you. [Take care of them like] a shepherd [takes care of his sheep] [MET]; take care of them forever.
Спаси люди Твоя, и благослови достояние Твое, и упаси я, и возми я до века.

< Psalms 28 >