< Psalms 28 >

1 Yahweh, I call out to you; [you are like an overhanging] rock [under which I can hide]. Do not refuse to answer me, because if you are silent, I will soon be with those who are in their graves.
huic David ad te Domine clamabo Deus meus ne sileas a me nequando taceas a me et adsimilabor descendentibus in lacum
2 Listen to me when I call out for you [to help me], when I pray, lifting up my hands as I face your sacred temple.
exaudi vocem deprecationis meae dum oro ad te dum extollo manus meas ad templum sanctum tuum
3 Do not drag me away with wicked people, with those who do wicked deeds, with those who pretend [to act] peacefully toward others while in their inner beings, they hate them.
ne simul tradas me cum peccatoribus et cum operantibus iniquitatem ne perdideris me qui loquuntur pacem cum proximo suo mala autem sunt in cordibus eorum
4 Punish those people in the way that they deserve for what they have done; punish them for their evil deeds [DOU].
da illis secundum opera ipsorum et secundum nequitiam adinventionum ipsorum secundum opera manuum eorum tribue illis redde retributionem eorum ipsis
5 Yahweh, they do not pay attention to the [wonderful] things that you have done and that you have created; so get rid of them permanently and do not let them appear again!
quoniam non intellexerunt opera Domini et in opera manuum eius destrues illos et non aedificabis eos
6 Praise Yahweh because he has heard me when I called out for him to help me!
benedictus Dominus quoniam exaudivit vocem deprecationis meae
7 Yahweh makes me strong and [protects] me [like a shield] [MET]; I trusted in him, and he helped me. I was glad, and from my inner being I praised him as I sang to him.
Dominus adiutor meus et protector meus in ipso speravit cor meum et adiutus sum et refloruit caro mea et ex voluntate mea confitebor ei
8 Yahweh causes us to be strong and protects us; and he saves me, the one he appointed [MTY] to be king.
Dominus fortitudo plebis suae et protector salvationum christi sui est
9 Yahweh, save/rescue your people; bless those who belong to you. [Take care of them like] a shepherd [takes care of his sheep] [MET]; take care of them forever.
salvam fac plebem tuam et benedic hereditati tuae et rege eos et extolle eos usque in aeternum

< Psalms 28 >