< Psalms 27 >

1 Yahweh is the one who gives light [to my soul/spirit] and the one who saves me, so I do not [RHQ] need to be afraid of anyone. Yahweh is the one to whom I go for refuge, so I will never be afraid.
David priusquam liniretur Dominus inluminatio mea et salus mea quem timebo Dominus protector vitae meae a quo trepidabo
2 When those who do evil come near me to attack me, they stumble and fall down.
dum adpropiant super me nocentes ut edant carnes meas qui tribulant me et inimici mei ipsi infirmati sunt et ceciderunt
3 [Even] if an army surrounds me, I [SYN] will not be afraid. [Even] if they attack me, I will trust [in God].
si consistant adversus me castra non timebit cor meum si exsurgat adversus me proelium in hoc ego sperabo
4 There is one thing that I have requested from Yahweh; this is the one thing that I desire: That I may worship in Yahweh’s house/temple every day of my life, and see that Yahweh is wonderful and inquire [what he wants me to do].
unam petii a Domino hanc requiram ut inhabitem in domo Domini omnes dies vitae meae ut videam voluntatem Domini et visitem templum eius
5 He will protect me when I have troubles; he will keep me safe in his Sacred Tent. He will set me safely (on a high rock/in a secure place).
quoniam abscondit me in tabernaculo in die malorum protexit me in abscondito tabernaculi sui
6 Then I will triumph over [IDM] my enemies. I will shout joyfully as I offer sacrifices in his Sacred Tent, and I will praise Yahweh as I sing.
in petra exaltavit me et nunc exaltavit caput meum super inimicos meos circuivi et immolavi in tabernaculo eius hostiam vociferationis cantabo et psalmum dicam Domino
7 Yahweh, listen to me while I pray. Be kind to me and answer my prayer.
exaudi Domine vocem meam qua clamavi miserere mei et exaudi me
8 I sensed that I heard you say, “Come and worship me [IDM],” so, Yahweh, I will worship you.
tibi dixit cor meum exquisivit facies mea faciem tuam Domine requiram
9 I am your servant; Do not be angry with me and turn away from me. You have always helped me. You are the one who has saved me, so do not abandon me [now].
ne avertas faciem tuam a me ne declines in ira a servo tuo adiutor meus esto ne derelinquas me neque dispicias me Deus salvator meus
10 [Even] if my father and mother desert me, you will take care of [IDM] me.
quoniam pater meus et mater mea dereliquerunt me Dominus autem adsumpsit me
11 Yahweh, teach me to do what you want me to do, and lead me on a safe path because I have many enemies.
legem pone mihi Domine in via tua et dirige me in semita recta propter inimicos meos
12 Do not allow my enemies to do to me what they want; they say many false things about me and [threaten to do] violent things to me.
ne tradideris me in animas tribulantium me quoniam insurrexerunt in me testes iniqui et mentita est iniquitas sibi
13 But I know that because I trust in you you will be good to me as long as I live.
credo videre bona Domini in terra viventium
14 So trust in Yahweh, [all of you]! Be strong and courageous, and wait expectantly for him [to help you]!
expecta Dominum viriliter age et confortetur cor tuum et sustine Dominum

< Psalms 27 >