< Psalms 26 >

1 Yahweh, show that I (am innocent/have not done what is wrong). I always do what is right; I have trusted in you and never doubted [that you would help me].
Af David. Herre! skaf mig Ret, thi jeg har vandret i min Uskyldighed; og jeg forlader mig paa Herren, jeg skal ikke snuble.
2 Yahweh, examine what I have done and test me; thoroughly evaluate what I think [IDM].
Prøv mig, Herre! og forsøg mig, lutre mine Nyrer og mit Hjerte;
3 I never forget that you faithfully love me, I conduct my life according to your truth.
thi din Miskundhed er for mine Øjne, og jeg vandrer i din Sandhed.
4 I do not spend my time with liars and I stay away from hypocrites.
Jeg sidder ikke hos falske Folk og kommer ikke hos underfundige.
5 I do not like to be with evil people, and I avoid wicked people.
Jeg hader de ondes Forsamling og sidder ikke hos de ugudelige.
6 Yahweh, I wash my hands to show that I (am innocent/have not done what was wrong). As I join with others marching around your altar,
Jeg tor mine Hænder i Uskyldighed og holder mig omkring dit Alter, Herre!
7 we sing songs to thank you, and we tell others the wonderful things that you [have done].
for at lade mig høre med Taksigelses Røst og for at fortælle alle dine underfulde Gerninger.
8 Yahweh, I love [to be in] the temple where you live, in the place where your glory appears.
Herre! jeg elsker dit Hus's Bolig og din Æres Tabernakels Sted.
9 Do not get rid of me like you get rid of sinners; do not cause me to die like you cause those who murder [MTY] people to die,
Bortryk ikke min Sjæl med Syndere, eller mit Liv med blodgerrige Folk,
10 and people who [SYN] are ready to do wicked things and people who are always taking bribes.
i hvis Hænder der er Skændsel, og hvis højre Haand er fuld af Skænk.
11 But as for me, I always try to do what is right. So be kind to me and rescue me.
Men jeg vil vandre i min Uskyldighed; forløs mig og vær mig naadig!
12 I stand in places where I am safe, and when [all your people] gather together, I praise you.
Min Fod staar paa det jævne; i Forsamlinger vil jeg love Herren.

< Psalms 26 >