< Psalms 25 >

1 Yahweh, my God, I give myself to you.
K tebi, Gospode, podižem dušu svoju.
2 I trust in you. Do not allow my enemies [to defeat me], with the result that I would be ashamed/disgraced. Do not allow my enemies to defeat/conquer me, with the result that they would rejoice.
Bože moj! u tebe se uzdam; ne daj da se osramotim, da mi se ne svete neprijatelji moji.
3 Do not allow any of those who trust in you to be disappointed/disgraced. Cause those who (act treacherously toward/try to deceive) others to be disappointed/disgraced.
I koji se god u te uzdaju, neæe se osramotiti; osramotiæe se oni koji se odmeæu od tebe besputno.
4 Yahweh, show me the way that I should (conduct my life/live as you want me to), teach me how to act in the manner that you want me to act/behave.
Pokaži mi, Gospode, putove svoje, nauèi me hoditi stazama tvojim.
5 Teach me to conduct my life [by obeying] your truth because you are my God, the one who saves me. All the time I trust in you.
Uputi me istini svojoj, i nauèi me; jer si ti Bog spasenja mojega, tebi se nadam svaki dan.
6 Yahweh, do not forget how you have acted mercifully to me and have faithfully loved me; that is the way that you have acted toward me from long ago.
Opomeni se milosrða svojega, Gospode, i milosti svoje; jer su otkako je vijeka.
7 Forgive me for all the sinful things I did and the ways that I rebelled against you when I was young; I ask this because you faithfully love your people and do good things for them, Yahweh, do not forget me!
Grijehova mladosti moje, i mojih prijestupa ne pominji; po milosti svojoj pomeni mene, radi dobrote svoje, Gospode!
8 Yahweh is good and fair/just; therefore he shows sinners (how they should conduct their lives/how to live as you want them to).
Dobar je i pravedan Gospod; toga radi pokazuje grješnicima put.
9 He shows humble people what is right for them to do and teaches them what he wants [them to do].
Upuæuje krotke istini, uèi krotke hoditi putem njegovijem.
10 He always faithfully loves and does what he has promised to those who keep his agreement with them and who do what he requires.
Svi su putovi Gospodnji milost i istina onima koji drže zavjet njegov i otkrivenje njegovo.
11 Yahweh, forgive me for all my sins, which are many, in order that I may honor you [MTY].
Radi imena svojega, Gospode, oprosti grijeh moj, jer je velik.
12 To all those who revere you [RHQ], you show them the (right way to conduct their lives/things that they should do).
Koji se èovjek boji Gospoda? On æe mu pokazati koji put da izbere.
13 They will always be prosperous, and their descendants will continue to live in [this] land.
Duša æe njegova u dobru poèivati, i sjeme æe njegovo vladati zemljom.
14 Yahweh is a friend of those who have an awesome respect for him, and he teaches them the agreement that he [made with them].
Tajna je Gospodnja u onijeh koji ga se boje, i zavjet svoj javlja im.
15 I always ask [MTY] Yahweh to help me, and he rescues me from danger [MET].
Oèi su mi svagda upravljene ka Gospodu, jer on izvlaèi iz zamke noge moje.
16 Yahweh, pay attention to me and be merciful to me, because I am alone, and I am very distressed because I am suffering/oppressed.
Pogledaj me i smiluj se na me, jer sam inokosan i nevoljnik.
17 Help me to not worry, and rescue me from my troubles.
Nek se raširi stisnuto srce moje, iz tjeskobe moje izvadi me.
18 Note that I am distressed and troubled [DOU], and forgive [me for] all my sins.
Vidi jade moje i muku moju, i oprosti mi sve grijehe moje.
19 Also note that I have many enemies, see that they hate me very much.
Pogledaj neprijatelje moje kako ih je mnogo i kakvom me pakosnom nenavišæu nenavide.
20 Protect me, and rescue me from them; do not allow [them to defeat me], [with the result that] I would be ashamed/disgraced; I have come to you to (get refuge/be safe).
Saèuvaj dušu moju i izbavi me; ne daj da se osramotim, jer se u tebe uzdam.
21 Protect me because I do what is good and honest/just [PRS], and because I trust in you.
Bezazlenost i pravda neka me saèuva, jer se u tebe uzdam.
22 God, rescue [us] Israeli people from all of our troubles!
Izbavi, Bože, Izrailja od svijeh nevolja njegovijeh.

< Psalms 25 >